
As I recall from growing up in a Chinese American community, the guilt went in the other direction (from mom to kid) ... It was always, "Sandra is a Westinghouse winner and going to Stanford and always practices her piano every night for 3 hours ... Why can't you?" But my recollections may be slightly colored by my

I think we should MAKE work/life balance a men's issue. (Not in an aggressive ha-ha-I'm-going-to-dump-the-kids-and-run way. More in that I want work/life balance to be a People issue, not just a women's issue.) I think we should be fighting for paternity leave and flexible working schedules for men and asking every

Ooh. I'd suggest i5. It's super thin and light. Have never tried sticking one in my bra, but it seems like it would fit better than an s3.

Yikes! I'm super glad you're okay and unhurt!

A) tweezers

Thanks! I think one of my biggest fears is that I'll turn out to be a horrible stay at home mom - that my kid won't get whatever intellectual or social stimulation she needs. How do you fill the day and/or find other kids for your kid to play with? Do you find you need a lot of kid specific gear like kid sized

Ha! I know how you feel. I volunteered at a library after burning out at my last job. It was very soothing.

Have you considered getting trained as a Physician's Assistant? Not sure what kind of medicine you want to do - being a PA won't work if you want to be a surgeon, say - but PAs can do a lot of the things regular family docs / GPs do and the training is considerably shorter and less expensive.

Sorry. :(. Work sucks. Any chance you could change careers?

I don't know how this works in law, but for business you'd want to know what kind of work the company was doing, anything about that had been reported in the news about either the company or key people in the company (e.g leadership changes, new product launches, I guess major cases if you're in law?), and any major

I second (fourth?) the people who suggest sending a note / card after grades are due. He'll appreciate it and it's more permanent than email.

Yeah, I'm not particularly passionate about my career at the moment, but that's an issue for another day. My boss is open to me working from home remotely, which I'm considering, though it's not my favorite since it tends to devolve into me sitting at my kitchen table in my pajamas surfing the internet all day. (And

I was thinking about that too ... only concern is whether or not I can get another job if I've got a one-year gap on my resume. But if I can't find something in the next few months before we move, I may end up taking a year (or more) off whether I want to or not.

I used to eat a lot of small apples too, throughout the day. Like those little kid-sized ones. Sweet and crunchy. : )

Okay. I need some life advice. My husband needs to move cross country for his job and it doesn't look like my own job will transfer to our new location. So, I'm wondering: is this a good excuse for me to give up working and just be a stay at home mom? Or do I continue job hunting? I hate job hunting and I hate

I have no solution to offer, but you have my sympathy. : ( I ate a lot of PopChips when I was pregnant because they were low calorie and I loved them and I could eat a whole bag very slowly and it would last a while. About halfway through my second trimester, though, I just gave up and started eating terribly.

When the American College of Ob / Gyns recommends selling birth control over the counter, I think that means they weighed the risks against the benefits and found the benefits were sufficient to justify greater access. In an ideal world, all women would have access to regular medical care and trained health

I like your writing. Pretty much all of my favorite entries on io9 have your byline. :)

Good point on the individual physician's ability to object to performing a non-emergency procedure. Wouldn't there still be issues around providing standard of care, though? Like if a woman with pulmonary hypertension comes in pregnant and needs an abortion, the physician would have to at least refer her to someone

Aagh. I would say "thank you" for answering my question but I think I'm too mentally scarred right now.