
Im convinced guys like ONE PUNCH are socially dysfunctional people who have enjoyed the lockdown and the forced distance it's required, and are actually anxious about returning back to normal. And they make these ridiculous arguments as they flounder with the reality the rest of us plan to go back to living and they

Yeah, drag queens are such a clear representation of everyday life. 

Lol its so great watching the mega cucks cry and moan over the Joker’s success. Makes me happy.

Lol youre stalking the dude?

And Mark Wahlberg literally committed violent hate crimes for which the police reports are on the internet. It seems like who gets cancelled it just another viral trend. 

Lol dude you are actually deranged and probably extremely unwell. I hope you get the medical attention you need. 

Oh well life goes on. I'm not going to stay at home another year because some AVClub commenters are addicted to being terrified. 

Your son’s chance of dying of covid are like next to zero. Let it go.

Lol dude you are fucking deranged. Screaming from the street corner about the virus and demanding we all keep hiding. You're just wrong, dude. Public health officials are letting us do these things because...they're okay. You are literally inventing a level of risk that doesn't exist and screaming at people like a

People now have institutional syndrome. The warden has let them out but they’re like Morgan Freeman at the end of Shawshank who can’t piss if he doesn’t get permission from someone. They don't care what the scientists say, they're now conditioned to be afraid 

Another guy who has developed a pathology. Let's stay home forever even when we're vaxxed. Keep being afraid. Stay home even though your vaxxed. For fucks sakes not even public health officers are saying this. You want more restrictions than what even strict states are mandating. 

Prove me wrong fuckface.

So we just stay home forever then? Another year because of an extremely hypothetical risk the vaccine doesn't work?

We don't need vaccine verification. We just need people to get vaccines. And if they don't they're only creating risk for each other. 

Can I ask - if you're fully vaccinated then what are you being extra cautious about? What is it that you think might happen?

You honestly sound traumatized by Covid to the extent you no longer know how to gauge risk. If you have your vaccinations it's fine. You can leave the house. You can live again. You don't have to wait for some non existent signal that things are "as safe as humanely possible". 

I swear people like you don't want this to end. If you're vaxxed there's no danger to you or others. It's fine to get on with your life again. 

Theres no evidence of shedding of your vaxxed. And the only people you would be shedding to are those who refuse to get vaxxed. So who gives a fuck?

Sounds more like you broke open a bottle of whine, amiright?

The script was written by Diablo Cody so your criticism doesn't make a lot of sense.