
Neo-progressive refers to the fringe group that has invaded the Democrats and liberal politics in general, much in the way the Tea Party invaded the Republicans and stocked the larder with bad ideas and unelectable candidates. Now we have Dems doing things like cancelling advanced classes for students in the name of

It's interesting how we're supposed to hats him now because he goes to church. Shit is getting creepy with the young neo-progressives. 

God you guys are so obsessed with. Like you can't even look at the world anymore without seeing racial conflict. It's surely a brain disease. 

Its not about whether it's justified, the reality is that it sounded kind of corny. I agree with it all but that doesn't mean it worked. 

Juse read the book. No one needs an forced adaptation with glossy Hollywood actors. 


Thanks for the reply. Now my comment is out of the greys and everyone can read it.

Why is the AVClub coming back to this dry well over and over again? All we learned is that Whedon is demanding to work for, which everyone already knew. 

Well, Atwell got 18 episodes in Carter and this will likely be either 6 or 8 so Atwell got the better deal. 

In their defense no one watched the show. There were nights when it had 30,000 viewers, which is like 3 am infomercial numbers. 

This sounds insufferable. 

Lol @ "latinx"

Maybe someone with mental issues shouldn't be working with gay youth. 

Yup, the AVClub, sanctimoniously sensitive and progressive except when it’s not. Hypocrite central here. 

Are you gay so you feel some right to say this? Or are you just a piece of shit?

Omfg. Heres a pro tip - when someone calls you a little bitch for being a cunt about a superhero TV show, you don’t defend yourself by whining like a little bitch.

Lol typical avclub little bitch comment 

I don't think it would have much effect on Tony since he would presumably stay in the suit. 

I would like to know what the planet smashers motivation and end goal is. Because so far I don't even understand why people are in camps. 

Yeah I’m signaling that men like Hawkman who broadcast what good dudes they are end up being the worst ones. Franco and Rogan are two great examples.