
Yes and both points of view are life or death, which means this conversation will continue. You're not gaining any intellectual high ground by dismissing people who care about this issue.

I agree with your first paragraph. But your second is wrong. Women still die from childbirth. Rights are still restricted. The conversation, no matter how frustrating it is to you, must continue.

Because having that voice on a large scale platform matters?

What I'm getting at is this: third party votes matter in an electoral college system, since they're one of the only way to make a positive vote for a candidate in a non-swing state. Vote Libertarian or Green in a decidedly red or blue state, and you up the chances that that party will gain 5% of the popular vote, and

That a person voting in a state that is essentially already decided doesn't actually have the ability to cast their vote and have it matter (unlike a system where the presidential election would be based on popular vote, or a Canadian or UK system where the majority party chooses the PM).

Yes. I think if we want to have a more serious dialogue, you should encourage people who live in swing states to consider their vote as a negative vote against Trump, while those who live in the other states can choose to make a positive vote for a candidate (since their vote will only really matter in terms of the

Again, nope. Have you forgotten about the electoral college? Three quarters of the states in this election have basically already been decided.


Nope. Less than a quarter of the American voters live and vote in a swing state. If you live in a non-swing state, voting for Stein or Johnson and hoping for 5% of the popular vote is a step toward anti-two party progress.

Little data, TONS OF BATTERY. Invest in a second (and maybe third) battery for your phone.

I do also like that there's an inherent spectrum in the game for collaboration-competition. If you're like me, you get to wander around a city's zoo or botanical gardens and meet some fellow nerds in the heat, and if you love competition, you have a reason to keep chasing that pikachu through the forest.

Rewatched "Story for Steven" right before these as a refresher of who Marty is. When Greg interrupts Marty and Vidalia in the van, my partner asked what they were doing in there.

Let's just say I'm not convinced by Jaeger as to the seriousness with which Plato uses the languages of forms to constitute some actual level of higher reality rather than a metaphorical device getting at a poetic truth. And I'll say this as a mathematician who reads Plato—I think the description of mathematical

…about some things.

To be a truly pretentious asshole about it, Plato wrote dialogues in which people have conversations. I wouldn't stake your life on the idea that Plato agrees or disagrees with even what a Phil101 textbook would refer to as Platonic idealism.

Yeah, it should have been "the North remembers," but instead, it was "I guess the Vale likes Sansa enough."

I'm not sure if it was a direct rebuttal to the content of Faraci's article, and more a rebuttal of Faraci's longstanding, oustpoken hatred of fanfic, known from both his articles and his Twitter.

The vast majority of mathematicians are kind of dicks. I don't know how I didn't realize this before finishing the doctorate. I don't know if you have this experience in your field, but at the majority of math conferences I've been to, people have literally rated other mathematicians on the quality of their work—and

Actually, he's said that when he tried to write the "5 years later" version of the story, too many of his characters had to think/explain what had happened to them in that gap, and he decided it would make for weak storytelling.

Yeah, and it's a damn shame. Excellent acting and production and some pretty nice shots, all to the service of weak writing. :/