I live in Chicago. I know how cities work, thank you.
His right to vote is being protected by the Secret Service while he’s sending his mouth breathing supporters to the polls to disrupt the right to vote of people he’s been othering his whole campaign.
Is it really early where you are because this comment seriously missed the point of what actually happened and the reason people were booing.
This comment is dumb as hell.
They aren’t booing him for voting. They’re booing him for existing, which is good and correct.
According to your logic, if I boo Trump when he goes into McDonalds, I’m booing him for eating.
Booing him doesn’t affect his ability or right to vote. They’re merely expressing their disregard for the man himself.
Yeah, cuz it’s his act of voting that they’re booing.
He went to all the trouble to collect child porn — it’s not like you can just openly google that shit — and then he stored it on a shared computer? That’s Darwin Award stupid right there, but I’m so glad it got him caught. Good for you for reporting him immediately.
They just don’t know. They think they know because their kitty died or gramma passed when they were ten but they don’t know SHIT about what that particular, soul rending pain is like so everything they say is impossibly stupid and trite.
Here’s the difference between the Stanford douche and this guy:
Not only that, but a jury got it right twice for this guy. And another jury also got it right in the case of his co-defendants who had a separate trial. I am shocked.
In that case, let’s take a moment to deeply appreciate that a college rapist was handed a justly harsh sentence and not worry about what happens next. I’ve been in a continual state of feeling like the wind’s knocked out of me since this nightmarish HRC email sitch, so I understand the need for a win! It’s been hard…
If guys don’t want to rape, they shouldn’t drink.
So relieved that the jury foreman situation did not save this guy. A second chance to do the right thing and they took it. Good job, society.
No. Eleventeen is right. She has great makeup, but there is definitely work there.