
My grandma was devoted to her dogs and, when she died, no family member could take in both dogs. Luckily, we had a family friend who could, but it was nightmare—we really thought we’d have to split the dogs up, and we dreaded mixing them with our own finicky pets, but she loved her dogs so much and finding someone to

Like, was the role literally made for him? It felt that way. Anyway, if not, whoever did the casting NAILED it.

I’ve gotten over things I held of a greater value not being sold out. Selling out is the new, Oh Bondage up Yours...perhaps???

Definitely overstated that one, but I kind of meant...if we’re looking at these things in a petri dish and not pragmatically in terms of dynamics already at work in the world, a lot of people probably don’t ‘like’ capitalism? Feminism is a progressive ideal advocating for a more equal world, but capitalism is a much

I love the first line of your OP so much, because it’s true: Purity is the death of any movement, and I agree with this follow-up comment whole-heartedly: there are ways of benevolently using capitalism to reach more people. I’m just side-eyeing Minkoff in particular pretty hard here because she doesn’t even set up

I think we can all agree that we don’t like feminism+capitalism, and that Minkoff’s a bit callous to profit from this campaign as though feminism is a new spring line, but since the other women promoting the campaign are celebrities, it seems like DeRosa’s participation is the most positive thing about it. (And the

Is Vanessa Kim’s new surrogate?!

Rob’s new girlfriend is pregnant, but WHO is the lucky lady?

No. Look at her arm in that video. She’s avoiding touching him when presented with the opportunity to casually do so.

Seriously! I knew someone who was writing a dissertation on Roman coins. I was like...how much is there to say about coins? How many of them are there?

Bluetooth creates a secure means of exchanging wireless data amongst several different devices. Pondering this service, its predominantly Scandinavian creators recalled the legend of Danish viking king Harald Blåtand. According to lore, Blåtand had an uncanny ability to bring people together in non-violent

I only watch games with my dad, and only enjoy them because we turn the volume down low so we can provide our own commentary and chat about unrelated things and then I sort of do work and he periodically naps. They’re just one half-step better than sitting in the living room in silence. (We’re Bills fans, but they

this definitely “came to light”—it’s just that no one gave two shits about someone who is in no way inherently interesting, was merely celebrity-adjacent, and is now a political celebrity of circumstance™.

Yeah there’s a lot of hair wreaths and hair mementos in 19th centuries homes. It’s real grisly.

Cannot star this enough, because Gawker was garbage for doing all of that. Beloved garbage, but garbage. 

Gawker Media was not an amateur blog...and while they didn’t deserve to tank over the Hogan video, 6.5 million dollars would have been a good fine.

“The victim in this case owned the copyright in her images, had the benefit of extraordinary legal representation, and was able to point to extensive, dramatic evidence of a years-long campaign of sustained sexual terrorism,” she told Jezebel in an email. “These factors will not all be present in many nonconsensual

Imagine being overwhelmed by press and fans and gawkers whenever you go out of the house, and then having a cop NOT treat you like you’re famous while you’re drunk and in trouble. It’s the perfect recipe for saying the wrong thing and she went there. It was definitely not okay but...I’ve said much more obnoxious
