
That’s because anti-Israel discourse if very often antisemitic. Look at what a lot of posters are saying: they’re calling Israel an apartheid state. Even though Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. There’s so much outrage on Jezebel anytime Israel does anything. Meanwhile, China supports North Korea where

Joining the Hitler Youth was compulsory. It’s not like you could say “well, I don’t want to join”, I don’t want to defend the pope but seriously accuse him of stuff he’s actually guilty of, not something he couldn’t do anything about.

She indeed behaved pretty badly during the war but a Nazi? That’s a bit of an exaggeration.

Good. Even if “only” a few hundred women wear them, it’s still too many.

Right. He still didn’t do any jail time for raping a 13-year-old.

Well of course she forgave him. She wants to move on, stop being in the public eye, it’s perfectly normal. That doesn’t make him innocent and that dosn’t mean charges against him should be dropped.

I just find this whole debate very silly. And sorry, but also very American. I just saw an exhibition this weekend about Mesopotamia and you know what? Nowhere did they talk about the colour of the skin of Babylonians or Assyrians. Because it’s not relevant and because nobody cares. I also find statements such as

Huh read up. A LOT of people on this thread think that she was actually raped. She wasn’t. Not that it wasn’t horrific what they did to her but it wasn’t rape.

Please. Why make a comment about the fact that he was born in what is now Turkey if you didn’t want to imply something?

and you really don’t know much about history do you? because he was Greek. Turkey in the 4th century was Greek. But honestly does it matter? using modern concepts such as race for a time where such a concept didn’t exist makes no sense.

I don’t see why we should do whatever China wants us to do. China is an awful dictatorship. Taiwan is a democracy. North Korea and Taiwan are not remotely comparable.

Saint Nicolas lived in Asia Minor in the 4th century, Asi Minor was Greek you know. Turks originate from central Asia and arrived only much later. It’s almost like you can’t compare Turkey in the 4th century to modern day Turkey. So if you absolutely want to use the concept of race (which didn’t even exist at the

I’m European, we don’t have shootings every week like you do in the US so no I don’t check every website every time there’s a shooting in the US. You seem to be doing A LOT of projection here, you don’t even know me. But yes the left has an Islam problem, just google “islam” and “left-wing” on google and you’ll see

You can aim for the same goal for different reasons. That means that feminists and right-wing parties can agree on a burqa ban, even though they have very different reasons for it. But what matters is the result: banning the burqa. As a feminist, I’m very happy about the Dutch burqa ban. Even if this was pushed by

No no, read up, some posters feel extremely sorry for the terrorist, calling him a scared young man. I’m not making it up. They feel sorry for the guy because he belongs to their precious muslim minority who can’t do no wrong, instead of feeling sorry for the actual victims.

My job recquires me to look presentable, that means makeup and wearing a pantsuit or a skirt with high heels. So what? Applying makeup literally takes 5 to 10 minutes, it’s really not a big deal. Besides I like makeup. I find it really baffling how posters on Jezebel treat this as omg! it’s such an oppression! I’m so

So because you hate the christian right so much, you are willing to say that the fact that the guy was muslim and did this in the name of Islam is not relevant? LoL the denial and hypocrisy of left wing liberals will never cease to amaze me.

I just don’t think it’s healthy to hate a whole population. And stop telling me I need history lessons, you didn’t teach me anything.

The situation is even worse since Flavia Flament’s brother is saying she’s lying about all this. In her book she condemns her parents for letting her as a young child do pictures with a famous photographer. They weren’t very careful, to say the least. It obviously took her a long time to even acknowledge this was

Really? He’s super famous. Maybe not in the US? I’m surprised by this.