
You do know there are white people with curly hair, right? Some people who are white have that kind of hair. I don’t see why the model should apologize at all, neither should the editor. It was obviously a mistake. Mistakes happen.

France has the biggest Muslim population in Europe. Every month now there have been arrests relating to terrorist attacks. It’s not just a few bad apples, it’s way more than that.

It’s not offensive but it’s pretty stupid. OF COURSE religious leaders are going to say abortion is a sin. I mean, come on, what are people expecting here? It’s not like Jews or Muslims (funny, there’s never any article about something the great mufti of SA said) are more tolerant about that stuff. Religions are

I am not THAT interested in Obama and I’m surprised so many people are apparently.

LOL As if Americans care to not offend Germans or any nationality for that matter... Everytime there’s an article about Germany on Jez there are ALWAYS a couple of Nazi jokes which makes me think the one thing Americans are taught at school is WWII. Besides, teaching the Holocaust is not about offending Germans,

She is 42??? Man, she looks uh-ma-zing. Like I really thought she was barely 31 or something.

I read it after watching the movie and the book was better. But I still liked the movie.

I liked A Single Man. I thought Colin Firth was really good in it. His makeup is very expensive but it’s fantastic. It really is. I don’t really have a strong opinion on Tom Ford but apparently he’s a douche?

Right. I had more in mind the kind of big American Oscar-bait movies but I suppose English-speaking actors are all guilty of this.

Why do Americans think it’s a good idea to use an accent when you’re playing the part of someone whose mother tongue isn’t English? Jessica Chastain is playing a Polish woman and yet she speaks English. It’s ridiculous enough so why not own it? Just speak with your normal American accent, we already have to suspend

I don’t think it’s foolish. Religions are all equally ridiculous and insane but at least in The New Testament you have wonderful teachings by Jesus. Stuff like: love your ennemi, be charitable with the poor, show compassion, etc. Only the Old Testament is violent. And nobody is claiming to want to build a society

He’s anti-religion but since liberals bend over backwars to excuse Islam every chance they get, he calls out that hypocrisy the most.

I don’t know what your deal is, dude. Gay people (btw I’m gay just so we’re clear) who refuse to believe some actors they love aren’t gay just because they play a gay part are ridiculous and should let it go. That was my whole point. Just believe people when they say they’re straight. Stop insinuating that they’re

I’ve never seen straight women anywhere (not on tumblr, not on internet forums, not in real life) deny the fact that a male actor they fancy is gay. At most they’ll say something like “too bad Matt Bomer is gay”. That’s it. Wishing someone was straight and flat out refusing to acknowledge that an actor is gay are two

He shouldn’t imply that the guy is not straight and that he is in fact secretly gay. That’s ridiculous wishful thinking. If the guy claimed he was gay, everybody on this thread would go “well, if he says he’s gay, then he’s gay, we shouldn’t question him” but suddenly it’s OK to do that when the actor writes that he’s

A lot of people in the gay community often assume that if an actor/actress is playing a gay character, then they must be gay. Which is of course not necessarily the case. But often gay people refuse to let it go and accept that the actor is in fact, straight. They push this idea of “well, they can’t come out, it’s

Didn’t know about the lifestyle brand but still, an actress with an amazing career is someone like Jennifer Lawrence or Meryl Streep or Jessica Chastain. Kate Hudson doesn’t spring to mind. I’m sure she works steadily but I haven’t seen a movie with her in ages.

I agree about the nepotism but Kate Hudson does not have an amazing career. Like, at all.

Sorry but people who are socially progressive but fiscally conservative are selfish assholes.

Agree. I just can’t watch rape on the screen. And of course it’s always women being raped.