
If I had to be with an ugly guy, then yes I’d want him to have money. Men have created this hierarchy, it’s only justice they get screwed once in a while. Sorry, buddy.


Well if women earned the same amount of money than guys or if there were as many female CEOs as there are male ones, there wouldn’t be so many gold-diggers. You get what you get. Men are still privileged and at the top of the foodchain.

If rich ugly guys are foolish enough to think their girlfriend are only interested in their intelligence, well they deserve to be used. The same want they use these women for their hotness.

Please. Women don’t rank men and document it like that. They just don’t. Men’s looks are not judged the same way women’s are. To take a concrete exemple: how many ugly dudes do you see with gorgeous women ? Tons. The opposite? Not so much. If a guy is funny, smart, nice, he can get away with being unattractive.

My god the amount of defensiveness in your post is just astounding. Why can’t we say that she’s fat? She is. It’s a fact. You’re the one reacting like it’s a bad thing. Says a lot about you.

Yep stating facts is now shaming women apparently. She is by all accounts fat. Not curvy, fat.

Easy: someone who isn’t fat.

You sound bitter. That’s not a good look

Thank you.Can’t believe everyoby here is calling her a racist. She paid for a sperm sample that she and her partner had no doubt carefully selected so that the child would, hopefully, look like both parents as much as possible and the sperm bank made a mistake? I’d be livid.

I would totally try cat meat, I have zero sentimentality when it comes to my food, once it's in my plate, then it's just meat. Which is why learning that Americans rarely eat rabbit meat is astonishing to me. You guys are weird.

Rest assured there was A LOT of corruption involved in the Beijing games and for some reason people were not nearly as upset about those games as they are about Sotchi.

Sorry but the picture you're drawing of street dogs is idealized. I understand it's based on your experience and fine.
I spent two months in Romania two years ago and my experience was quite different. In big cities as well as in the countryside, street dogs were everwhere. There were plenty of dog fights and several

Sorry but the picture you're drawing of street dogs is idealized. I understand it's based on your experience and fine.
I spent two months in Romania two years ago and my experience was quite different. In big cities as well as in the countryside, street dogs were everwhere. There were plenty of dog fights and several

Sorry but the picture you're drawing of street dogs is idealized. I understand it's based on your experience and fine.
I spent two months in Romania two years ago and my experience was quite different. In big cities as well as in the countryside, street dogs were everwhere. There were plenty of dog fights and several

Huh guys, French superiority theories are of your own making. Those impossibly perfect French women a lot of Americans seem to be obsessed about are a fantasy. That shit comes from you, not from the French, trust me. I'm still mystified as to why Americans seem so fascinated by the "French lifestyle" (and by that I