Its nice, but the new one will be out in like 6 months from now, and will include most of the things that should have been included in the first place.
Its nice, but the new one will be out in like 6 months from now, and will include most of the things that should have been included in the first place.
I know its been said a million times already, but G4 would be a lot better off if they didn't show so much Cops and Cheaters.
Why push PDAnet, there are lots of other free options that do the same or more.
It looks good for a wii game, but come on, it looks like halo 2 era graphics.
Thats a little steep. I've had my fill of NBA Jam since the snes/genesis versions.
@octasquid is now closed beta: You now owe Facebook $12.85 for using their name 3 times in a post.
That looks almost exactly like the stock android on screen keyboard.
Well if you are on AT&T its a fairly easy choice since they have like 3 Android phones and one of them is complete garbage(backflip).
Is it just me, or does the front badge looks like a Decepticon logo from a distance?
Eh...looks ok, I just really want one of those controllers they were showing off.
@luisdeliz: it seems faster to me if you turn off compcache, and turn on jit under the cyanogen settings, also use a small swap 32-48 seems pretty good. Most of the sluggishness is Maps running in the background all the time, if you kill it things speed up.
None of those people looked that upset over what had happened.
I don't get why or how he is filing a case in the U.S.
@JulyFish: Chex Quest was awesome!
What took so long for you to get around to this app, it has been out forever. Overall its pretty good, its picky with playing some mp3's once in awhile.
@Travis Gohr: I was thinking the same thing.
Ok, so its bad to have an oversaturated display, but its good to have an undersaturated display(iphone4) and oversaturate the pictures you take so they look better on its screen?
@lizaoreo: don't base your android experience solely on the backflip, it is considered by pretty much everyone to be a piece of junk, its version of android is horrendously butchered by moto .
@sligoth: the only way you are going to get that far off from you destination is if you are using the network cell towers instead of the actual gps.