
Damn. It still uses minutes.

@monstermax: I've heard that red and yellow inhibit hunger.

It gets me down when I don't get to see surroundings like this living in Los Angeles.

PS3 is better. In the screen shot it's got a dude and a chick, where the xbox screen shot has two dudes, yea, not into that stuff.

Maybe they can put Gran Turismo 5 on 'How It's Made'

A parent's solid and swift kick in the ass is the most essential action that can keep a child in line, no matter what content they get their hands on. It certainly kept me in line.

@Sepharih: I'm on the same page. I only have a 360 for Gears. Otherwise, everything else is done on the ps3. It's like I paid enough to buy the damn console, now I have to pay more to play it. All these 'social and entertainment' features I don't even want. Why pay more to want the most basic of features?

@EarlNowak: I've seen a large number of older folks not retiring in my industry. I've just graduated and went back for grad school, which I hope doesn't continue to put me back financially. Hopefully when I graduate again these guys would be retiring by then.

@xxpor: The reason I work there was that I was really hoping to apply engineering applications I've learned in school. So far, all that Northrop has me do is crunch numbers. But they really do promote the idea of 'protecting' people. Northrop has its sectors that are really appealing, however, they don't give the

It looks like those asians girls are fascinated by those high profile folk.

@333: I don't think they would put the same amount of beer in a can with a reduced volume. They'd simply put less beer in it.

Having that dent in an american beer can will reduce the inner volume of the can. Resulting with less beer inside. This would mean that we'd be leaving our american tradition of suffering from obesity.

He's then heading to my school tomorrow. Parking is going to be a pain.

I play for usc rugby and with the amount of money they're sucking out of me in student loans, and I'm sure as well as other students, we would be more than a "club" team. Well, I guess we're on the same level.

A drunk will run a read light.

@Marshmelly: I'm a big fan of the 'fall back' season.

@ziplizard: Microscopy Techniques for Material Characterization? How'd you do?

@Devryn: He was born first right? And with the moral and potential of today's youth (I'm 23, so I might slip through the cracks) I would agree that euthanizing the younger one is the best solution for all of us.

@spyderr0de0: Bank of America gave three accounts to some dude who randomly purchased my social security # of the street. At least try not to give them business.

@drilon: You can never trust those cheeky print screen buttons.