
I’m not going to get my hopes up until I see a trailer that shows it looking decent, but Legend was fun, and as that’s probably as close to a live action Zelda there’s been so far the bar isn’t set too high. It should at least be as good as that.

This description reminds me a little of how animal interactions worked in RDR2, so far the only game that made me feel bad about shooting something.

The story goes that I was up near the mountains trying to hunt some cougar for pelts, there was a big... deer? Stag? I can’t quite remember, but I took a shot at it and I


1993 called. They want their terrible retorts back.

I’m really hoping there’s an option to turn that flower voice off. Or at least to change it to a language that I can’t understand (and which is therefore less annoying).

I suspect Nintendo is using AI for the voice of Mario. Nintendo is all about saving money and delivering big profits.

At some point, you have to ask yourself about your own expectations for games (i.e. things we play to kill time for fun). We are entering into an environment socially now where everyone wants every single thing addressed according to their liking or articles get written like this. Had the devs/writers stopped to “more

I’m kind of hoping that this game can be what I wanted Forspoken to be for me, tbh. Which is just the nature of 7/10 games, they’re going to be very idiosyncratic in how they hit for different people, nothing wrong with that.

But yeah, as long as you’re willing to find the fun where it is and not trying to force your

This game feels like a classic 7/10 Game. Which, some of my favorite games are 7/10 games, and this one feels like one of those that will scratch some particular itches for me, so I’m pretty excited (/dreading, given the rest of the release schedule) to check this one out.

old man yelling at the kids to get off his lawn

I am ashamed at how much of the Goo Punch rap I have memorized.

Excuse me sir, but that is spelled:

You can't put Artie in there, he'd be way too OP

And Pete and Pete.

Throw in characters from the live action shows and I might give it a chance. Not joking I’d buy it in a second if I could fight as Goo from My Brother and Me or Donkey Lips from Salute Your Shorts.

When I was a kid I wanted games to last, as an adult with a huge backlog I find myself wishing they were shorter.

Ugh. I’m really, really excited for this game, but this is the opposite of a selling point for me. I’m exhausted thinking about it.

Ugh, that really isn’t a selling point. It means the maps will be full of pointless filler and chests to fill the space out. It was that tedium that made me give up on AC: Valhalla.

A nice font would be good for a change

Well, not necessarily; a lot of the re-releases from Square Enix have been just fine. It’s basically only their biggest games (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger) that get these shitty, overdeveloped versions when people would largely be happy to just play the games that already exist.