I’ve learned by now that I suck at Soulsborne games and don’t have the time or patience to git gud at them. So I won’t buy this if it’s like that. BUT OH MY GOD THIS LOOKS FUCKING INCREDIBLE
I’ve learned by now that I suck at Soulsborne games and don’t have the time or patience to git gud at them. So I won’t buy this if it’s like that. BUT OH MY GOD THIS LOOKS FUCKING INCREDIBLE
I love that I read this in exactly the voice I think you intended.
I think you will.
It certainly is a big part of my beef, yeah, no denying that. The dungeon design was lame and uninteresting to me and it didn’t feel fun doing anything in them, the detail was amazing, sure, but it just wasn’t fun, I’m thinking back to that part with Aerith and Tifa and Cloud having to pull the levers and shit and…
I agree with so much of what you wrote there. “Next gen game’s skin over a very old game’s skeleton” is a good way of summing it up imo.
Well to be fair I don’t think the original FF7 is that great a game either. I enjoy the story and the setting and especially the soundtrack but I can think of countless JRPGs from around that era and earlier that I enjoy way more.
I didn’t say the corridor thing was a new thing, but you asked me a question so I answered with detail.
My favorite Final Fantasies are from the early years; 4-6 specifically, and then 9 and 10. Some of my issues with 7R are indeed found in the franchise at large, but I still highly enjoy Final Fantasy (and am very…
What games I find fun isn’t relevant - he asked a question, so I answered. No need to laugh at me.
Well, since you asked... It was frustrating and tedious to me because, for as pretty as the game is, most of the areas do not offer much to explore. Essentially you get a lot of background to look at but most of the areas are just narrow corridors you walk through. I didn’t think the NPCs ever said anything…
My nipples are getting hard just thinking of Jim Sterling’s next video on this subject.
It was a very solid interactive movie, and a fucking tedious, unfun, frustrating ‘game’ particularly compared to the original.
IMO, obviously.
The aesthetics of the doors were quite possibly the least of this game’s problems.
Kinja is a hot mess.
Oh fuck you’re gonna make me play an MMO again after all these years
I didn’t get a PS4 until the final days of 2019.
You don’t ‘need’ anything. Be happy with what you have, I suppose, until you really feel like justifying the New Thing. That’s the best way to stay satisfied, I think.
I might as well just wait for the PlayStation 7 when all 5 parts (+the inevitable half-dozen DLC packs) are out on one 60TB digital download (because physical media will be kaput in the year 2050).
Literally all I care about is some info on BOTW2 and Metroid Prime 4. IT IS TIME, NINTENDO
The fuck? That thing looks sick and I want it for my PC
Awards shows in general get the ‘oh goody’ thing from me because, really, who cares - but just last night I nearly had fisticuffs with friends over the old God of War vs. Red Dead Redemption 2 2018 GOTY debate.
For the record, I was team Red Dead. Y’all have a good day now.
My head is spinning. Ash actually won? Like no bullshit, legit won a championship through actual skill and not dumb luck? That sounds too good to be true.