
I’m so sorry for your loss. I like the attitude he had. Life is too short to waste time on things you don’t like, video games or otherwise.

The cost of admission to GP makes it a no brainer if you’ve thought about playing it, honestly. Definitely give it a try, you may love it, it’s a very charming game.

That fear is what’s holding me back from buying Bravely Default 2. I don’t mind paying full price for a nice new beautiful JRPG but I really can’t suffer through them anymore in my 30s if the characters or story are bland.

It’s been a while since I checked but I’m pretty sure I was somewhere around 60 hours. I did not complete all 8 stories but I got close, and I still had plenty of things left to see and do in the world. Hoping to fix that when it comes to PC.

THREE playthroughs?! Man, I just don’t have time for that! I hope the game is short.

Bingo. I could not believe they dropped the ball so hard with regards to the character interactions and building a better, bigger overall story. The stories themselves were generic and not interesting, but then knowing nothing ever comes together? Ooooof. Wasted potential. So much wasted potential.

I’ve taken some heat for that exact same opinion. When the demo first released I thought the dialogue was sophisticated and fancy and cool, but it quickly felt shoehorned and stilted and unbelievable sometimes. H’aanit’s method of speaking is embarrassing to listen to, imo. The script itself sounds cool on paper but

YAY! I hope you enjoy it despite my one big complaint. It really is a testament to the beauty of HD2D art.

I think it’s a beautiful, enchanting game. It does a lot of things right and the open ended way of journeying around picking your party is nice and I think it’s clever. Unfortunately the plot is just so... so boring, and trite, and the dialogue is awkward and stilted (one of the characters is especially guilty of

Octopath is a wonderful game but narratively it was one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory, to the point where I just stopped caring and stopped playing right before the final boss. Maybe I’ll pick it up again and try a different party since it’s coming here (nice surprise to me). Or I’ll finally get to

Yellow—and I mean a nice, deep gold, not piss yellow—controllers and handhelds are simply the pinnacle of Nintendo colour schemes, and nobody can ever convince me otherwise.”

This should negatively affect your credit score.

It hasn’t.

I don’t know about that; those are some judgments that frankly I don’t think have any actual metrics. Outdated gaming hardware and software is always sought after, and even if the prices are a little different between them, the general principle is the same. As time goes on it’s gonna be hard for companies to

Not for nothing but I remember GameStop selling boxless GBA carts for upwards of $35 all the way back in 2010, so honestly $45-50 in 2021 really doesn’t seem that absurd to me. You pay those same prices for some old N64 games and those aren’t much older. Not sure I’d call that skyrocketing, personally!

Came here to say exactly this. Minish Cap sucks imo. Pales in comparison to most of the other main Zelda entries.

Good. Toad stinks.

Man I don’t even have time to fully complete the regular games. I’m STILL trying to get through MHGU, because I cannot bring myself to proceed through the game until I make a full equipment set of every monster in the mission list. I am obsessed with doing that, which means I bought Monster Hunter World over a year

Yesterday my car died in another city. Today I somehow lost the key to the truck I used to get home. I think I’ve already given myself a ton of gray hairs beating myself up over my stupidity.

But this? This makes me extremely happy and I am going to treat myself to this when I get off work and try to forget what a

Well, you can still buy the game, anyway.

I’ll just be over here replaying Harvest Moon 64 for the million billionth time.