It’s the decision of someone who doesn’t have a strong opinion about Confederate monuments, but wants to put on a show of understanding that some do.
It’s the decision of someone who doesn’t have a strong opinion about Confederate monuments, but wants to put on a show of understanding that some do.
Mets doctors conferred with the Saints doctors and concluded there was no injuries to speak of
Doctors knew about the fracture initially but thought the Voodoo they performed had downgraded it to just a contusion
Handsome Monica plays catcher at ULL in my hometown. He was actually born with a different name. When he was a toddler his mom called him only Handsome and when he went to school requested they do the same. The school refused to use his nickname so she had it legally changed so they would have to. True story....she is…
I live in Lafayette, LA where Shawn Long played college ball....went to a handful of games....never laid eyes on the man
Take a Star for the Best Pick in 2013
Its out of 100% for each team. i.e. USA has a 91% chance of making it and a 9% of not.
There is precedent for this
Good thing they had a Pinkerton on the case
A certain pro sports franchise told Deadspin Wednesday that the man was not its team president, and that there would be “consequences” if Deadspin pursued the story.
Or Cannabis
Bc of Rosa Parks he should be able to be in the front office not the back office
Or The NFL had someone leak this info to Schefter so more people would tune in to the beginning of the draft
Wrong video
I absolutely MUST see this training video
Arizona can’t play SMU in the 2nd round. Baylor or New Mexico St can though
Deuces are Wild
Its the Catholic Church....of course they only want little boys playing