
Ok, you’re a furry yes? Can I ask a question please, do you play out a different persona when you’re in costume than in your day to day life, and job?

If no, ok that’s interesting. If yes, can you attempt to explain why?


It’s not the same thing. These people literally play act a different persona out. I don’t give a fuck and wouldn’t go so far as to say I look down on them, but I’d be lying if they created any positive thoughts in my mind.

You can rail against that and tell me I’m an ass for doing so, whatever. Fine. These people

I don’t care that these people do this but they’ve clearly got some issues. They’re not able to actualize who they want to be in day to day life, so they have a fursona maybe? Or maybe they wish they were something other than they are and this allows them to reach towards that? They don’t like how they look, so...

That’s not actually Johnny Football commenting.

Newsflash buddy, they didn’t. The NFL is faster and stronger as a whole now. Favre maybe, Young and Montana didn’t face the same type of athlete.

r u a moron

What? He kidnapped and tortured a child.

Yea, he goes off a cliff after that. Claiming that there is something wrong in judgement, yes we’re judging him for slut shaming, yes that is a judgement, but judging is natural and something people do. The problem is the guy is incorrectly judging someone. He is judging someone a slut, that’s shitty and wrong,

Still is, youre trying to play a game you don’t enjoy... Life is limited bro.

This is an exceedingly stupid statement. Witcher 2 and 3 are so incredibly different, if you don’t want to play 3 that’s fine, but saying you “can’t get into it” when you literally never played it is beyond dumb.

This is the first single player game I’ve enjoyed in decades, the last being Earthbound.

Stephen Erickson’s epic is done and when it’s at is best it is absolutely amazing.

Anyone who has played, even elementary school level, and tried to do any of this shit, knows that it is damn near impossible. If you’ve played garbage tier college ball, which is still more than 99% of the nation, it’s still fucking wizardry.

Yes, and you sound like an idiot.

No! Only America has ever suffered and comparing it to anyone else’s suffering is impossible because it is the most suffering ever suffered on the planet, EVER!

This is why the world hates us by the way, stupid fuckery like the guy you responded to. The world rallied around America after 9/11, America’s continued