
Wtf. I was with you until “nobly sparing his wife the decision” or whatever your exact words. No one, ever, has the right to murder me like putting down down a pet. She was human. She had every right to decide to continue living or participate in her own death. No one, for any reason, has the right to take that choice

The answer is not to kill people when their needs become too costly to manage. That is an argument against assisted suicide, not for it. Asking people to choose whether they want to continue living and being a burden to their family or take assisted suicide to relieve the burden is not the answer.

Thank you for posting this, I'm frustrated that no one else is acknowledging it. This woman deserved a say, but her choice was taken from her by both the law AND her husband.

I read this earlier and cried. We need fucking universal health care in this country. Greatest country in the world my ass. I legitimately want to move to Canada no matter who wins this election.

I am not vegan but I will regularly defend vegans (the ones that are not insane YouTubers, though) just because even the ones that do proselytize and wish the whole world went vegan, a la Morrissey, at least want something feasible (assuming they are not super into almond milk!). Like, if the whole world went vegan,

god yes. I'm a Lacto-Ovo Veg. Also a pescatarian (fish). Meh, fish "have faces too" and planst sorta breathe. Whatever. It's the Paleo thing that bothers me:(

If they had discussed it before hand and the wife was cool with it, whatever. It seems like she’s fine with it now so no harm no foul.



Someone needs to get Jon Stewart and his wife on it. Take Bullet to an animal sanctuary and let her live in peace - and out of anyone's home.

I think this is wrong. It’s about bodily integrity. It’s about the government not having the power over your body. The government does not have the right to terminate your life, nor does it have the right to force you to give birth or terminate a pregnancy. Or to elevate the fetus above your own right to bodily

The use of rape and other kinds of violence against women as a stand-in for actual character development and motivation is one of the many reasons why Game of Thrones is a steaming pile of garbage.

Do those kinds of relationships actually exist? Rhetorical because yes they do because my best friend is a married man and there is zero romance involved. Only pose the question because most people in my life can’t fathom it and we’re secretly harboring feelings for each other. Also get accused of trying to “hook up”

Right? This is the thing: I just don’t need to see it any more. It’s become a sort of bullshit shorthand for “serious” treatment of female characters. You want to show me what a great auteur you are? Show me the relationships between your (named female) characters. Show me a sisterhood, or a mother-daughter

It’s like when Anthony Bourdain kept making fun of her in his writing and stuff, and she sent a fruit basket to him and his family. He ended up writing a surprisingly sweet blog post about how his kid really liked the oranges and stuff, and he’s been pretty chill towards her ever since.

seriously, as a teen I would be all “I DON’T CARE IF I GROW A TAIL!!!! GET IT OUT!!!”

He wouldn’t be dead, he’d have never existed. There’s a big fucking difference.

A lot of times whacked out cat behavior all boils down to you should be giving your cat a couple of 20 minute interactive play sessions each day( fishing line toys or throwing mice or ping-pong balls around. Figure out what your cat likes.) When cat owners give them the time, play and affection they deserve it

Can I make a suggestion? You really might be better off giving them mostly wet food, not diet, and less kibble. Diet kibble is generally a scam. You need to feed them way too much to make them satisfied, and it is often full of fillers and by products. Also, while they might not get diabetes, if all they are getting