But none so evil as Bob! Who IIRC wasn't actually dead? Didn't he jump into Cooper? I should probably do a rewatch.
Not a bad guess, though they seriously are missing out by not casting Adam Driver. He really is that other guy's younger, living twin.
Honestly, that makes no sense whatsoever. Yes, the person thet cast as Bob was a set designer but the character was a HUGE part of the show, as iconic as Agent Cooper and Laura Palmer. Certainly they can do it without him but not "easily."
How do you have Twin Peaks without Bob. Also, I've said it before and I will say it again - Adam Driver should be Bob.
The story is always about the abuse. The tentacles that come from it are never-ending.
It WAS his heart's desire. Here's the dirty little secret about Massachusetts politics - about 1/3 of the Democrats in the legislature would be Republicans in any other state. In fact, it is the progressive caucus that has historically had a more difficult time getting their ideas passed because there is a…
He didn't because he was the architect of it. WHICH IS FINE. I personally know his former secretary of administration and finance, who is a fine upstanding guy who cares about helping people. The system works in Massachusetts quite well. It actually works on the national level fine, too.
Oh, please no. I am a resident of Massachusetts. He had nothing "imposed upon him." Romney was the primary driver of the Massachusetts system, precisely to set him up for his run for president of 2008. He took credit for it up until the point he thought it might be politically bad for him. Try again, use facts…
I am suspicious of a statement like "promiscuity is at an all time high" because I am not even sure how "promiscuity" can be measured. Perhaps "unprotected sex" is at an all time high, but promiscuity? I doubt it.
There was a whole movie about that, though?
So basically, the show was built specifically to appeal to me, since these were all of my favorite things.
There weren't a lot of men wearing zoot suits in those days, either. Your average hipster would look at home in most of the men's clothing of the era.
I doubt it. Now if you did the whole 40s cosplay thing, complete with hair, maybe. But the clothes themselves, which tended more towards women's suits and the like? Unlikely.
Objectively, I don't think that is true. Fashion from the 30s, 40s and early 60s don't look stupid because they aimed for more classic silhouettes. But it is probably true that trends tend to look stupid once they have fallen out of favor.
That was the message of the character arc for every single male character on Buffy.
Yes, she was. The 90s were just a time for horrible clothes. Though I suppose Cordelia was supposed to be the most fashionable.
People who have been in jail are also just people, like everyone else. No one's life should be defined by their worst act, and the fact that this gentleman was once in jail does not mean his life is somehow unworthy. Especially not unworthy of being a part of some comedic bit.
Since you so desperately want the last word, I will grant it to you. Your display of pique doesn't make the original poster wrong.
Okay, good for you. I'll continue to tell you the first poster was right in his or her assessment of you.