
I think you made the original joke redundant.

Every positive review of this movie means an angel gets its wings.

I love how when provided an explanation as to why this may be considered offensive, you and your friend just keep deflecting it. Hey, guess what? Even nerds can be assholes. Not sure why it is so difficult to admit being one. At least most sports fans admit to being assholes on occasion.

So let me get this straight - you present this tug-at-your-heartstrings scenario and then get all affronted that it is presumed to be about you when someone points out one of the flaws in the tug-at-your-heartstrings scenario?

Another take? Your self-effacing way to say you're ignorant is probably being expressed in a way that allows you to feel superior about your intellect. And the people with whom you are speaking are probably picking up on that.

Please. It is the presumption that people who are sports fans are a group of knuckle-dragging neanderthals who can't string two sentences together that annoys most sports fans. I have had plenty of people who say that they aren't into sports, and that's fine, they just say it. But this whole "delicate flower,"

If Zellweger - or any actress - had better choice of good roles, it's likely her films would make money. Hollywood is decidedly terrible in developing interesting roles for women, particularly in film. And when actresses - including Zellweger and Ryan - age out of rom coms, their pickings become even more slim. Even

I think he did. It was 25 years ago, so I can't remember what his reaction was. But my point was more that I wanted him to have a memory of this important cultural experience (like my older brothers and me had with Raiders or with Ghostbusters) but unfortunately, The Rocketeer did not have the same cultural resonance.

Yes, every seven years is correct. And it was a big deal when The Little Mermaid came along, because it was their first animated film in years.

I took my younger brother to see this film, thinking it would be a franchise like Indiana Jones, and because I wanted him to have a similar experience that I had in seeing a classic like Raiders in the movie theater (I was 18, he was 7). Alas, it was not to be. I don't remember much about it, but it's good to know my

So you're in Boston? Weird that you dislike Brady so much, then.

Your claim is that he left his pregnant wife. They weren't married. And now your just spinning ridiculous speculation about the quality of his marriage because your hatred for the Patriots makes you blind to how ridiculous you are being.

1. He wasn't married to Bridget Moynihan

Tell a Boston resident that the city is the same size as Tampa and we will say, "and your point is? Who cares, it's Tampa."

Pro tip - it's because they win. Truly. (Of course, I am also a biased Patriots fan).

As a Pats fan, I long ago learned that the only thing less reasonable than a Pats fan are all those Pats-haters.

Yes, I knew that there was significant study into whether or not enslaved peoples had fought on behalf of the Confederacy and that evidence shows nothing. I just wasn't sure about freed blacks fighting on behalf of the CSA. But anyway, I think we can all agree that the idea there is "strong evidence" that "a few

There will never be a better comment ever on the Internet.

I am not sure if there has been any study of free blacks fighting on the side of the Confederacy. I agree it is conceivable, though unlikely. And yes, the idea that "a few thousand" slaves willingly took up arms for the Confederacy is just beyond ridiculous, IMO.

The Civil War isn't ancient history, in which we have to translate the tablet writings found under crumbled cities. We have newspaper accounts, books written by the participants, and oral traditions, and none of them mentioned any mythic black Confederate soldiers. Because they didn't exist. Because the Confederacy