I like to wear the dead bodies of my enemies and destroy them with their brothers skulls!
I like to wear the dead bodies of my enemies and destroy them with their brothers skulls!
She’s not the one bro.
MH vet here. Gotta say the beta was a good representation but it didn’t have enough to show you. There is a ton of stuff for new players. It’s a game that gradually gets harder. based on the streams and videos I watched on it as well as the demo, I think they made it a tad too difficult. They looked ot have a mix of…
Way to pass the blame mister irresponsible driver. And where’s the proof it was on Autopilot? We need some some facts. Not, “It was because I said so” bs.
Man what a dirtbag, I sometimes wonder how and why he is so famous/ gaining fame. I sure hope it’s not because of popular outlets who bash him are linking out his videos consistently having discussions on him? Cause that would only bring more attention to him and bring more attention and people to him. I’m sure glad…
Yup. Noticed the same thing.
1 out of 4 people stopped...
Conan”How do you grapple”
Person 1:”right trigger and left thumbstick”...
They’re playing ps4....
“To look like every other person in the game”...what?
“it’s “Donny” sexbang and ninja Brian XD”
The last match wasn’t impressive because it was red vs green with 7-1. which would mean they would only get 1 kill while if they screw up and hit multiple then he would get 1-7 kills easy. their kr would be much lower than his based on who has the highest negative.
Stop it....