
Well, what moves have you got?

So? What’s your point? It’s a conclusive, irrefutable now FACT that prison does NOT fix or stop predation. Therapy and rehabilitation prevents predation. FACT.

Same reason it’s okay to ask stupid questions, I suppose.

This is why I sleep with a parasitic wasp in each ear. Once that cockroach crawls in, he’s in for a BIG surprise.

Republicans only care about the fascism in their party when it negatively effects THEM.

It’s really fucking distasteful, especially on a website for and in support of women. People were/are acting like this about Kim K’s being robbed, too, and I’m just like... Why are you here? You think this is funny because it happened to a wealthy, ‘vapid’ woman?

I dunno, seems worth more concern than a bunch of puns. How terrible and absolutely frightening for her. :(

Exactly. He was a terrified 14 year old who was abducted, tortured and murdered by two grown men. The depth of his fear is something I can’t fathom. The pain of his mother’s loss is incalculable. And yet....we are supposed to feel “sorry” for Carolyn Bryant Donham, because HER OWN LIES, which caused the death of an

For her to be so free of responsibility and accountability to anything or anyone that she, a murderer, wants to write mother-fucking memoirs about her “ruined” life? To what, get some $$ and gain some sympathy before she clocks out for good?? There is no end to white supremacy; she is actually trying to pass blood

WTF? This professor had the nerve to repeat this bullshit about how this case ruined her life?

As an ace, I can honestly say that a lot of the prejudice and hate towards asexual people comes from within the LGBTQIA+ community itself. To many of them, aces simply aren’t “gay” enough. From other sources, the prejudice comes from misinformation and ignorance. There have been several studies done that have even

“I long for the days when we’re all just people, qualifiers not required.”

I would assume part of it is the refusal to accept asexuality is a thing. For example, I remember reading an account of an asexual woman who got married. She hated sex, but continued to have it because she loved her husband and ‘that’s what a loving wife did.’ She and her husband went to therapy, and the therapy

It can also mean people do have sexual attraction somebody, but no desire to engage in the physical acts with that person.

Yeah, fuck that unity shit. This pisses me off so much. They whine, moan, bitch, and obstruct for eight years—EIGHT FUCKING YEARS—and now we’re supposed to play nice-nice since the “red team” won? No, fuck you. I want us to obstruct too. I want us to fight for justice. Fuck being nice. Fuck unity. Fuck them.

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

I clicked the link on the related article just to get a feel for the editorial stance on NDT, and I came across some casual classism: (emphasis mine)

Only as a by product of the goals of destruction, maiming and killing. Imagine if the resources and ingenuity we put into all the tech of war was directed at improving lives versus ending them.

Go fuck yourself.

Just got home from work. My boss literally walked in singing, looking in my office, and said “Why won’t TacoBelle look at me I wonder?” I was physically shaking. She is a powerful woman with a graduate degree.