
At the same time, having children doesn’t have to mean your life is over either. That’s what babysitters, nannies, grandparents, etc. are for.

This is exactly what is wrong with computers. Normal people shouldn’t have to worry about this crap. Any time something feels like it doesn’t work the way common sense dictates and has some sort of gotcha that only engineers would understand, it is a failure. This failure is so complete and ingrained that we don’t

Oh! It’s 100% not snarky. It’s excited as fuck to see someone define themselves as they see fit.

I’m not really critiquing, but what’s with the snarky tone of this sentence?

Special request: Can the delivery drone just drop it through the bathroom window? I’m currently unable to answer the door.

My five-year-old upon seeing one of these buttons in the house: “What does this button do?” *press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press press*

My mom is a ginger (a curly, auburn ginger at that), and it is NOT FAIR that I did not inherit those genes. I have stick straight brown hair. My youngest brother, on the other hand, is the gingeriest ginger who ever did ginger. All that beautiful hair, wasted on a boy.

Listen, that’s fine with me, but I don’t need the redhead lifestyle shoved down my throat everywhere I turn! It’s your business, dammit.

You know, redheaded music like... And the great redheaded food like... And what about that redheaded historical event of...

My brother was born in 82, and I a few years later. By then, the company that did me had gotten pretty bold and said that they could determine the sex of the baby. (This is according to my mother, who easily could have just been confused, but this is the way she tells me.) My mother agreed to pay more for me than she

To me, it always sounded extra mean when Flava Flav would say “you test tube baby!” as an insult...like obviously there’s a lot of mean things to say in rap, but that one always seemed like oddly specific


I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

We does not delete typographical errors ...”

Quite infartful...