Crossford Bramberry

Tell me what this guy is going to say to make it all right to his girlfriend.

Nah. We're all sick of motorcyclists and their bullshit. Fucking par for the course. They think they own the road. Hence the utter violation of laws as they see fit. They pull this shit and when they get hit they scream their heads off that people should see them. Fuck them and their situational ethics.

Not following traffic laws is attempted suicide.

Explains a lot

I can't imagine being llama in the Andes.

I hope they all die slowly in a pool of lava.

Yeah, but she's a bitch, so this isn't really surprising.

Nobody cares. It’s not always about you!

Whipping young men into a frenzy like this generally never has good results.

Women are such neurotics.

We all know Jesus loves a good blowjob. Is a blowjob running for president?


Life is so unfair.

She’s funny ‘cause she’s a woman. That makes her a feminist.

I call bullshit.

Censorship in academia. Millennials need to be coddled from any opinion they might be offended by.

Maybe if the little girl had a gun...

i got tired of it too. So I moved. Best decision I ever made.

There's no point. The family doesn't need any organs. She's dead.

That’s what a lot of spree killers say.