Trick fraud
Trick fraud
1. Bonus features do not create narratives. This narrative construct of *yours* depends completely upon the outside knowledge.
2. These are bland extra features. The blandness is explained, by you, convincingly. (Except for: “There are “scene studies”—essentially promotional shorts giving a closer look at several set…
This really is a sad comment, I will agree...
Yes, they’re clearly saying that as entertainment for a spectator this falls under par. They just worded it poorly. A kid playing soccer is playing a sport, technically the same sport as a professional playing it in a televised event. But the televised event can’t just sit one camera over on the sidelines held by a…
There is something fundamentally wrong with your sport when the most batshit over the top win happens and the visual is so inaccessible and boring that you can’t even decipher what is happening, let alone react to it.
What’s your point here?
Somebody never left the resort.
Video shows she came at them with a knife. Didn’t leave knife in burning truck. Had to save her knife. Suicide by cop.
I have a hard time fully enjoying my meal to the max WITHOUT simultaneously reading a graphic novel.
Do you really care how my patty melt tastes? If not don’t ask while I’m reading my book.
Was it tough love when Peter Thiel sued Gawker out of existence because they’re a bunch of catty cunts? Asking for a friend.
Bobby, this article makes it sound like you’ve had some kind of Freaky Friday experience.
Well, really, just as we’re supposed to accept everyone’s sexuality and gender choices, so too should we accept their choices for body ornamentation (honestly, it’s funny how this site picks and chooses what’s okay to make fun of—I think as humans we have to have something to poke at and make us feel better about…
Also, could you imagine how annoying it is to be asked about your friend’s tattoo? If someone asked me a question like that I’d tell them to fuck off. Thank goodness I’m not famous.
This is just even more proof that I would never want to be friends with any Jezebel authors.
Although I’m loathe to ever have Matt Damon’s phoenixless back, you have to defend your friends. Have I gently mocked my best friend’s sleeve which consists of an owl, a tai chi symbol and her astrological sign? You better believe it. But I will never acknowledge how hideous it is with an outsider.
Is this what to expect from DREAMers?:
Ruben Navarrette: One Dreamer’s missed lesson in good character
Well... because “resident” is already a term that is defined by immigration law (“permanent resident”, “resident alien”, “conditional resident”, “returning resident”, etc.) and each application of the word has a very specific meaning. So, it would really only create more confusion if you started identifying “DREAMers”…
Corrupt politicians. Democrats want them in the country for the future votes and some republicans want them in the country for cheap labor. Realistically, the easiest fix to illegal immigration would be substantial penalties for anyone hiring illegal immigrants.
“But the DREAM Act never passed. Unzueta says the term “DREAMer” separates young undocumented immigrants who entered the country as children from millions of other immigrants.”