But was it normal rain? Or was it... Chubby Rain!
But was it normal rain? Or was it... Chubby Rain!
If you were the Ambassador to Burundi, surely you’d know they were defecting.
Burundi is going through some shit, right now, as I understand it. Obviously, they are seeking asylum.
Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...
Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.
Second: A white woman transitioning into a black person is incredibly racist and reeks of identity tourism—which is basically when white people (especially online) like to assume the traits/characteristics/call themselves/whatever of another race so they can feel ~special~ or ~better identify~ with that race…
This concept is highly exclusive to America/the West and only applies within America/the west, and the minds of America/the West.
Just because you post a ton of articles from uncredible sources that agree with you doesn’t really mean anything. And when you toss up a lame meme beforehand....it means even less. Just fyi.
I’m not sure the negative repercussions of being non-white apply in Malaysia. (being non-Muslim / Malay, yeah - but that’s a whole other issue)
There are people who choose to get offended where no offense was intended and there are those that have matured to look the other way when clowns want attention or mentally unstable people do odd things. As a gay black man, I could really give a shit about “appropriation” or every other term your beloved blogs have…
It’s a fairly gray area from my perspective, depends how far you go. But first of all, let’s just get something out of the way. Racism is hating a group based on their genetic race. Do you start to identify yourself as part of that culture, even though you’ve never spent that much time within that culture? That’s…
Put the phone down while driving.
It’s called alternate history and is a large genre of fictional writing. see the man in the high castle on Amazon prime video . Amazon is also chock full of these types of books. What if Nazis had won. What if the south had won, what if ww2 continued past 1945. Now fiction is being scrutinized? Oh boy...
Okay so you got piped down by older guys when you were younger, and you admit you did this purely for attention and recognition.
Ugh. Folks should just stick to the shit they really know.
Hip hop sold out a long time ago, do not blame this couple. Other than that, the author seems racist.
Doesn’t this article belong on black stormfront (the root)?
You don’t know enough white people.
He has TV show in it’s 7th season and is worth about $20 million, pretty sure he could definitely use it less than you.
When does celebration become appropriation though? I mean, jeez, this couple likely means well. They probably love hip hop and wanted to open a restaurant. In their very white town, who would be able to make this happen? And what is wrong with it? I don’t get this weird cultural ownership issue.