you are eager to find reasons to hate her and place the entirety of the blame on her.
you are eager to find reasons to hate her and place the entirety of the blame on her.
Update - 5:12 PM: The idea that she left him for his brother is actually in dispute. In a message to Kotaku, Maddie said that the new relationship with his brother began after the break-up.
She was winning even before Williams threw her tantrum, you colossal idiot.
LMAO Knowing the rules better than you doesn’t constitute mansplaining. You’re just ignorant. It’s ok, it’s a curable condition.
Logic and reason really fuck you up, don’t they?
And yet no one else smells it. Maybe it really is just you, buddy.
If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes.
“Infinitesimal” means “extremely little”, you twat.
Best of his 21st century output goes to Memory Almost Full, for me. Ever-Present Past and Mr. Bellamy alone clinch it.
“I choose now to live as a Jewish woman”
Brianna Wu is about third to last on the list of people I would trust with cybersecurity decision-making. Fuck that noise.
I figure Wu might be here using a burner. You may have found it.
went as poorly as physically possible (not her fault)
Zoe Quinn had nude photos posted without her permission and they said that didn’t violate the ToS.
What proofreading? You’re in Kinja country now.
Wesley FINALLY shuts up.
I can’t promise you that I can save your job, but what I can tell you is that you have to make a public announcement apologizing, publicly, to Damon Wayans
As a human being, I feel some pity for her. To make those choices in life, there has to be deep damage. If you cannot feel empathy for that, then you’re not a human being.