
Luke wasn’t merely optimistic, he had actually accomplished the mission his mentors had told him was impossible. He wasn’t hopeful, he had done it.

Remember that exposition bomb of a conversation Han and Leia had before Han went to his death? Where they talked about all the things they didn’t show regarding Snoke’s

You’re telling me to “grow up” for a fairly harmless opinion. That’s a terrible way to illustrate whatever point you were trying to make.

The reasons for Luke’s reluctance are hollow. Luke knows better than anyone that bringing someone back from the dark side is possible, or else Palpatine would still be alive, with Vader by his side. Luke brought Anakin Skywalker back, and saved the galaxy.

The sequels posit that Kylo is just SOOOOOOO over the top evil

Calling Rose annoying is perfectly legit. What of it?

Rey is more powerful than every other character without any training. That’s a complaint.

That it’s a movie and that it’s OK to not like it?

Now playing

Look for Ivan Ortega on YouTube, he’s doing his own edit, and he actually has some good ideas in there:

What did you think was gonna happen, exactly? Fuck Miller (actually don’t, he deserves to die a virgin), but doxxing him was always gonna bite you in the ass.

Who says the movie has to be set during Ben’s exile?

McGregor was aged up with makeup for Episodes II and III. He can now play Clone Wars-era Obi-Wan without it. There’s an infinite number of stories that could be told about his wartime exploits that haven’t been touched by the movies or the animated shows.

No, if a movie loses a hundred million dollars it’s a failure. Comparing it to TLJ is a red herring of an excuse. Solo is a failure in its own right.

or maybe Johnson’s first movie comes out.

I’m 41 and fuck you, I look younger than him. It’s my lack of pure evil.

Peter Jacobson’s smile actually reaches his eyes. He’s much too warm a person to be compared to Goebbels Jr.

Polonium is exotic for anyone.

Is Bigen a hair loss concealer for Black hair, a la Toppik or Caboki?

I thought Lebron had a regular transplant, his hairline looks way too natural for it to be a concealer.

Some of you are commenting things to the effect of “aw she looked cute before!” “personally, I like her body better before surgery”, and my favorite, “imperfections are cute!”

I’m sure you think you’re being shining examples of open-mindedness and acceptance, but you just judged her on her looks just as much as the

There’s a charm to people who are flawed and imperfect

They don’t want discussion, or to educate. They want to beat their chest and prove how much more enlightened they are, even if they have to make up thoughtcrimes to crow about.

God, that linework is perfect