
Trilbys work if the following conditions are met:

1) You’re not using it to hide greasy, unwashed hair.
2) You’re not using it to hide a bald spot. Nothing wrong with losing your hair, just don’t think hats are a substitute.
3) The rest of your outfit doesn’t feature a trenchcoat and/or fingerless gloves.

I’m originally from South America, soccer’s my childhood sport. “We” is the default there. Even though I know most American sports fans find it douchey, I keep lapsing into it.

I’ve reported literal racial slurs and been told they don’t break the rules. But I called someone an idiot and was suspended for 24 hours.

Basically, all FB seems to care about is whether you’re directly addressing someone. “I hate [insert slur]” will always fly, but “you’re an idiot” won’t. It’s the kind of

Let’s be respectful of other people: Let’s discuss Mejia’s case, instead of using his plight as a soapbox to show how woke we are.

This was posted last year, and in 2016. Last year it was supposed to be Columbus who stopped the Pens, you know, “a high scoring machine who would keep us down to one or two goals a night”. Then it was supposed to be Ovi’s year, and then it was the new-look Senators who would put us in our place. And then of course,

Now playing

Bull fucking shit, she’s an accomplice. Can we stop sympathizing with cute women by default? Lots of Allison Mack stanning is taking place over her arrest, too.

Incidentally, if you’re wrong about the fundamental ordering of the universe, this kind of hatred will save you a seat there, too.

I can’t imagine Trump willingly attending someone else’s inauguration. If he had his way, he’d pull a Killmonger and make sure he couldn’t be succeeded.

After all, Hitler only made Donitz “president of the Reich”, the title of Fuhrer died with Hitler himself.

Melania gamely hyped up her husbands birtherism claims during Obama’s presidency. She’s not a passenger, she’s a copilot. At this point only Tiffany and Barron get any sympathy from me.

“Well how do you warm up the cream for your coffee?”

All the Doctor Who fanboys and girls that tuned in precisely because he was on the show are why he was paid more.

Take a show person A isn’t interested in.

Then add person A’s favorite actor. Person A will now at least check the show out. That’s value, and the actor should get compensated for it.

I was 26, single, and living in my native Venezuela when the show premiered.

I am now 41, and have lived in the US long enough to qualify for citizenship.

This damn show will live to dance on my grave.

Grab them by the Kapowski

“Hey bitch, theres one thing you need to learn, and that is it’s not other peoples responsibility to look out for YOUR child. If YOUR child has a peanut allergy then you fucking deal with it. Other people don’t have to watch what they eat just bc your and a couple other parents are ‘PC’.”

Welp, it’s 10am here in Pennsylvania. Right on time for our daily “let’s cannibalize our own side while the fuckwads in charge point and laugh” sesh. Good job, Sam.

The first few times I saw her I thought her “persona” was great. Then I realized it wasn’t a character, she’s actually that obnoxious.

King is, well, the king of vividly portraying the mechanics of insanity. Louis Creed and Jack Torrance’s descent into madness feels so organic, so damned logical... That’s the key to his ability to scare the shit out of us. We understand why those guys lost it, and in the back of our mind, we wonder if we might not

Football began in 1992, didn’t you hear?

The franchises you own always come home to you