
That isn’t remotely close to what I said, which proves my point: Placing yourself at the whims of the complainer doesn’t work.

But he does it with an accent we’re apparently supposed to pretend doesn’t exist in the real world, so he’s now the enemy.

Because sometimes the critics don’t actually have a point, and even when they do, subjecting yourself to their whims is creative death.

Yes, obviously you find them attractive on some level, just not attractive enough for a long-term, real relationship. As long as everyone’s on the same page, who cares? Maybe from the “ugly girl”’s perspective, she’s the one slumming it.

LW1 has horrible friends, but they’re also not wrong: Provided everyone involved understands it’s a friends with benefits thing, consciously pursuing someone you know is less attractive than you (to you, which is all that matters for this purpose) results in the kind of confidence boost platitude-spouters keep

“Hmmm, I have a series of interesting quotes from Molly Ringwald, I wonder if I can tie them together into a headline that suggests wrongdoing on the part of a dead, beloved figure in her life?”

I really miss the old AV Club.

The Beatles, Abbey Road: Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End

The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band/With A Little Help From My Friends/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Here’s an idea: Don’t commit murder over a verbal attack.

So they threw out an empty Happy Meal box.

This is gonna be a brilliant series. Thank you, Chris!

Choosing games based on boxes and screenshots was my childhood. Or from the catalogs and inserts that came with the games. I spent months daydreaming and building up what Castlevania II must be like based on this one screenshot:

After all, you’ve made a mistake at work before right? Did your boss dock your pay because of it?

“Kotaku In Action” was essentially Gamergate central. Its name meant that they were keeping an eye on Kotaku and related sites. After Trump’s election, they just went full alt-right and the name no longer has anything to do with what goes on in there.

It’s like Pi: You have to have an arbitrary cap, or the rabbit hole will go on forever.

And to think people dared bitch about the innocent fun of the r/freefolk and r/prequelmemes alliance last year. 2017 was a simpler time.

Stop asking for permission to live your fucking lives, you losers.

and the biggest change is that it will include an option to switch between the current high-resolution graphics, and the original graphical style of Chrono Trigger.

You just became my favorite Kinjaverse writer. Sorry, Heather!

but, you know.

The “black Hermione” thing was the worst, for me. Telling me that Dumbledore’s gay? I can buy it, and it does make me view his relationship with Grindelwald in a new light that still rings true. I can honestly believe she had that in the back of her mind when writing the character, at least in the final books.


Instead we have a 35-year-old actor portraying all the emotions of a teenager.