I had no idea that was CGI! Incredible.
I had no idea that was CGI! Incredible.
When in doubt, don’t bring the kid. Easy. A kid menu removes doubt. The absence of one and the presence of alcohol do, too.
If you have to keep coming up with what-if scenarios, bringing the kid’s a bad idea.
tumblr fandom has latched onto them as their tortured couple of choice. Some redditard made a post dismissing Han as a “deadbeat dad who had it coming”. Rian described Rey “closing the door” on Kylo at the end of TLJ as pure sexual tension. Kathleen Kennedy has spoken on Kylo as a stand-in for a confused young adult…
My personal rule of thumb: If you can count on watching [big sports event] there at night, it’s probably a good idea to leave the kids at home.
Nope. Is the place’s main business selling alcohol? It’s a bar. Don’t bring your kid.
Fair point
Parrot’s stepdaughter from a previous marriage, who is also married to the guy fucking his wife.
I’m convinced the vast majority of people that use ‘cuckold’ or ‘cuck’ as an insult have no idea what the term means. I think they use it to imply beta or simply weak willed.
Jesus Christ. How hard is it to understand that life is different for a white person than a black or Latinx or Asian person?
Of course such people are out there. But to use them as an excuse to dismiss legitimate criticism is not a good thing.
You’re constructing elaborate scenarios to justify your (again, pre-emptive) dismissal of criticism of a movie you place an inordinate amount of importance on. If that’s not nerd-rage, then I apologize and wish you well on your journey to rein in your OCD.
Meanwhile, you’ll keep pre-emptively working yourself into a rage over what some stranger on the internet MIGHT say. That seems much sadder. Help is out there.
I’ll never stop being surprised and grossed out by people’s need to shit on victims just to be able to convince themselves that it couldn’t happen to them, because they’re smarter than that.
At least they’ve stopped calling people “wizard” and “sorcerer” for doing something cool. Baby steps.
Exactly. It’s becoming alarmingly clear to me that if segregation were proposed again, with no Jim Crow bullshit, but truly separate and equal, it would get strong approval from the crowd at this site.
So they could give us one last glimpse of Tallie before they took her away forever :’(
the emotional, anything-can-happen tone for the entire movie
Michael’s destined to start Black Breitbart. Talent and sense don’t always go together.
“Puerto Rican” is not a race. It’s a culture whose members have varying degrees of Spanish, African, and Native blood, like all other Central and South American people. Bruno has a degree of black blood in him, though whether he considers himself black, it’s his own business.