
What does purity taste like, Jack? Day-old dingleberries would be my guess.

She wants to associate with racists, she can live with the consequences. In what universe are Conway and Suckabee given free passes, exactly?

Funkadelic cinematic universe NOW!

(Seriously, how awesome would that be??)

I know a hardcore Kubrick fan who ALWAYS refers to 2010 as “the Hyams thing”. It was enough to keep me away from it for a good few years, because I respected his opinion so much. Then I watched it, and loved it.

Yes, it’s a much more traditional sci-fi story, and some of Kubrick’s attention to detail is missed: Kubrick

Liefeld’s art gets a lot of hate, but I don’t care. I love it even though I can see the shortcomings. Bring it on!

After the Golden Compass movie tanked and took the potential for sequels with it, I thought of what a waste Dakota Blue Richards’ Lyra was: A perfect rendition of the character, stuck in a movie that chickened out of really portraying its source material properly. I really couldn’t imagine a more perfect actress for

“I’ll be very flexible”=”These aren’t actually getting enacted, but I couldn’t pussy out, I had to sign something you guys!”

JLaw’s definitely feeling the backlash. She said in an interview that she sees the hate she gets online and it makes her feel like everyone hates her.

I’m more confused by people who defend Tiffany as being “unapologetically black”, as though acting “ghetto” is inseparable from the notion of being black. Like any

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Mattress Shopping. They’ve done cleverer stuff, but this makes me fall apart laughing every time.

I’m with you. My “smart home” wishlist stops after being able to control the lights and AC. I don’t need not-Siri in a box.

You’re worth every penny, though.

“It was just a prank, bro!”

I’m genuinely confused as to why the guy’s race needs to even be mentioned, specially with the post featuring a picture of him.

It’s ok. I’m the Hispanic son of a black man and I’ve been called both a nazi AND a coon on The Root. Go figure.

I’d be her cabana boy. No me juzguen.

Exactly. I’m not about to jump on the Trump train, but when shit like this gets mocked? “Yeah, I can totally see it.”

It’s pronounced “stupid”.

And what were his crimes? You dont know.

Someone trying to dismiss my point by telling me to go to Stormfront (a white supremacist site) is trying to paint me as racist towards the man the story’s about in an attempt to shut me up. That’s a textbook example of “playing the race card”.

A convicted non-citizen is at USCIS’ mercy. A non-violent offense might be overlooked, but violent crime generally means deportation.