
“It was just a prank, bro!”

That you, and so many others, completely failed to understand this isn’t the fault of Rian Johnson or Kathleen Kennedy.

Yeah, I ain’t reading that, fanboy. Make your case without a) insulting me for “not getting it”, and b) assuming I’m dedicating more than two minutes to the rants of a complete stranger.

Rick volunteers to take out the Saviors after witnessing one of the Hilltop’s own people being sent back to assassinate Gregory.

I’m genuinely confused as to why the guy’s race needs to even be mentioned, specially with the post featuring a picture of him.

I felt that Lord of the Rings was nominated in 2004 for the trilogy, not the individual film.

The Shape of Water was as worthy a winner as any of its competitors. Social significance doesn’t guarantee an award that is meant to reward craftmanship and artistry.

It’s ok. I’m the Hispanic son of a black man and I’ve been called both a nazi AND a coon on The Root. Go figure.

I’d be her cabana boy. No me juzguen.

Exactly. I’m not about to jump on the Trump train, but when shit like this gets mocked? “Yeah, I can totally see it.”

It’s pronounced “stupid”.

Rampage and whatever Amy Schumer’s new movie’s called come out on the 27th and are gonna get crushed. I guess that’ll be their angle.

This looks exactly like what someone with a “who is this ‘4-Chan’?” understanding of technology would make. And then hired from their local community theater to save on costs. Fucking hard pass.

Paige got more shit done in a nearly-silent two-minute role than Rose did in the entire movie.

And people would still play sports if the mega-million salaries of the professional leagues went away. The quality would suffer massively, though.

And what were his crimes? You dont know.

Someone trying to dismiss my point by telling me to go to Stormfront (a white supremacist site) is trying to paint me as racist towards the man the story’s about in an attempt to shut me up. That’s a textbook example of “playing the race card”.

A convicted non-citizen is at USCIS’ mercy. A non-violent offense might be overlooked, but violent crime generally means deportation.

You haven’t answered my question. I would love to know who tried to play the race card on behalf of my own. Come on, don’t be shy.

Vader threatened him with going after Leia. And Luke had already seen first-hand (heh) what Vader was capable of. He had a genuine, imminent threat before him.

Ben/Kylo had done absolutely nothing (that we have been told, I’m sure Chuck Wending can pull some more bad fanfic out of his ass to cover that, though). It was