
The word “iconic” has ceased to mean anything, it seems.

My solution to that is to always sign up for the periodic “food days”. My team really likes potluck parties, so I always bring something, stay for a minute (literally, just long enough to say hello and set up the dish), then bail. No one questions my “team spirit” because I took the time to cook something, and I don’t

Or maybe we like it, but want it to be better, so we use our collective power as consumers to force change. Don’t like it, toe the line and go play your viddya :)

Very likely. Until they’ve had THEIR fill, and transition back. Different lifestyles for different stages. Some people never want to leave the city, some never want to live in it, but most of us alternate depending on where we find ourselves in life.

they said they will rework that system to be more in line with what the cconsumers actually want, so what more do you want? they literally told us, and then did, exactly what we wanted, why are people still bitching about it?

You’re right, I missed the forest for the trees on that one.

That’s a good point, I retract mine.

You’re unironically posting your indignation on a bloody Kinja blog. There are about 3.5 billion things more important than videogames, but it’s a hobby to both of us, so here we are. I can hold down a job, support a family, try to contribute to my community, and yes, try to make my hobby a bit more enjoyable.


When it actually happens, I’ll believe it. This is EA, I wouldn’t put it past them to simply want to get their week-one sales back on track and then reintroduce microtransactions once any future lost sales are sufficiently mitigated.

did you really think that “free DLC” came with no monetization of any kind?

“Don’t vote if you don’t like the candidates”
“Don’t do the prohibited thing if you don’t like the law”
“Don’t show up if you don’t like the way you’re treated”

Yeah, let’s let shitty things continue to happen rather than try to change them!

Don’t worry, fanboy, you can still play your precious games. Go on, get!

“I have no arguments.”

Got it.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

I’m not sure I like the whole “players that dump 100s of hours get advantages” thing.

We’ve stolen the Death Star plans. Now let’s see if we can destroy the thing.

If microtransactions come back only for cosmetics, we’ve won. If they can still affect gameplay, then they’ve decided they can live with the boycott.

“Master Borri will gift you his understanding of the $5 Cravings Box”

That’s not actually true, as movie ticket prices go up every year. I paid $13 for a damn matinee of Thor Ragnarok last week! That same ticket would’ve been $8 in 2007, which was about how much a regular ticket cost in 2001. Meanwhile, I paid (or rather, my parents did, I’m not that old) $72 for Goldeneye back in 1997,

The first Avengers movie had a budget of $200 million.
The sequel cost over $300 million.

Tickets cost the same each time.

But if the AAA industry doesn’t want to learn from existing markets, and prefer to milk customers for every possible penny, they’re still going about it the wrong way.

If you don’t get the reference, you shouldn’t use a Stormtrooper avatar, Mr. EA bot.