
I would bet it’s mostly because Wade sold him on the Heat.

It matters to younger Cubans too.

Sid Meier’s Covert Action.

It could also have something to do with how much radio stations get charged to play those songs.

Why would she need a helmet?

I hate it when trump gets (what he would consider) credit for all this shit.

IIRC Gamora's knee to Peter's peter was after Thanos lost.

The audience at my viewing was quiet when he showed up. I’m choosing to believe they reacted in silence for the same reason I did. It was sad to remember that he had just died.

Evil Genius was such a fantastic game.

Unfortunately a lot of them are having similar problems. Brexit, Marine Le Pen, Golden Dawn etc...

Nope, sorry but it’s not even close.

Funny, I just re-watched it because of a podcast I listen to called “That Aged Well” and I liked it. No idea that the bat-nipple guy directed it.

I hope the research team is the same. I always loved how sometimes actors would look at Lipton wondering how the hell he knew so much about them.

The movie “Torque” is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Saying you need to feel inspired to vote is like saying you need to feel inspired to do your work at your job. You’re either a good citizen you’re not.

They lose to the Suns a couple of days ago and then beat the Warriors tonight. This team is trying to kill me.

Likely because this guy had some kind of hit list and Joe’s name was on it.

Funnily enough, Elton John was in the sequel.

Lol yeah, I’ve heard at least 3 of them.

Paul Lieberstein was perfect for that part.