
Im thinking more Tiger Woods than tiger blood

Yeah my buddy has one and its a cool car. Some light mods on it and he really enjoys it at the track a couple times a year as well.

They would be more enjoyable with a manual.

It really bothers me for some reason when i ask a guy if his car is a manual and they say either, “yeah it has paddles” or “well its both auto and manual”. NO it fucking isnt then!

Thats a feature. As the car ages it gets lighter..

Yeah was gonna say the same but didnt want to be that guy today.

LoL funny thing is Ive met Mike Smith who plays Bubbles many times at race tracks. He had a Nissan 240 i believe. Nice guy and you wouldnt recognize him.

Was thinking the same. Most mid-level cars only require 87 octane, so youve probably bought something that is just out of budget if you’re doing this. Likely the 2 year old C-class guys.

Yeah me to. Generally after 2-3 model years. Thats also when they tend to up the power aswell.

I did some work for a guy the other day who said the same. He went with his daughter to test drive one that he was seriously considering for his wife. He is fairly well off financially and went to the dealership in his 2011(i believe) S63. They wanted him to sign. The contract for a basic one to get a credit

Yeah its a nice car and all, but not really a great choice for your only supercar. I mean come on...vs the 512tr?

“Bro..trust me...my credit is fuckin perfect.”

Lol saw one if these today, a half van half pick-up in briggt yellow . Older guy driving had a huge smile on his face.

For real. And surely he had some inkling back then he would be a star, so he muat have known the risks. And any family supporting him aside from maybe his immediate family (parents,siblings) are likely just hoping for a payday since they are in effect putting their own reputations on the line. Unless some dramatic

Yeah, but he knows better than us since he is a self-proclaimed “business genius”, and i “just dont get it”. Same guy also spent his 30g inheritance on advertising in a local business flyer for a residential hvac company,which he hadnt even registered yet or started.

Yeah that or a 512TR would be my choice.

Why not? My neighbor just bought(sorry, “Leased to own”) a sweet 2014(yes, 2014) F150 Platinum at 16% for 120 months last month.  He seems happy, so why not do similar for a DB9?

Maybe on Craggy Island but here you have to do a tour to be considered a vet. Either way, veteran or not he deserved better.

Yeah he could have just been doing basic maintenance or something and got sent home after a few months of training. Doesnt say he completed a program or anything. AUDI hires nee apprentices also. He could have finished high school, joined the army for a few months then left and got a job at Audi all within 6 months

Yeah exactly. I remember we had a guy who was straight but had some stereotypical gay traits. He was funny as hell and everyone liked him. Then ine guy put a bunch of gay porno pictures on his  mailbox and it just so happens his actually gay twin brother was viciously beaten the week before and was in hospital. He