
mach e is almost as bad as ecosport (echo)

NYCFC: Two immediate surrender cobras, two disbelieving shirt raises and a very angry oompa loompa

So they didn’t break tech regulations with the way they designed it but the outcome was a driver aid which is against the rules.

Christ i hate those wheels

looks like an old train pilot

the article says they did build the field, for 2.5 mil 

All those rats in the subway, stick MTA outfits on em and put em to work.

JD Power Award for crushing BMW

Its really bizarre to me that a company would axe cars to focus solely on crossovers/suv’s and not focus all their efforts in to making sure this didn’t happen with their flagship SUV. Like you chose to narrow your core competency, if anything it means you need to become more competent not less.

you do not have knowledge of the fire service/fire apparatus industry and it shows

My hyundai has those rims

can’t imagine that would be a thing if it was the other way around

fills the space

one issue I see readily here is that car repair is quoted ahead of time, and you get to assess whether or not you will seek other quotes. If you are having a heart attack and get rushed to the hospital you don’t have the ability to compare offers ans shop around

but if its paid for now with tax dollars arent you shifting the cost onto the public and allowing the corporations to make even more profit without having to pay employees any more?

imagine your kid is sitting shotgun, the wall of buttons completely obscures your view of his dumb disappointing head while you drive him back to his mother’s house after your one weekend a month of custody, thank you GM

If that’s the target demographic then I would say that’s a fantastic design, you may have a passenger, but it’s never been easier to ignore them!

2 hours 20 minutes each way, car train and subway

not sure they can until next season

Plus, ESPN is owned by Disney which has major business interests in China (Shanghai Disney Resort/Hong Kong Disneyland Resort) so even if they didn’t stick to sports I doubt they would oppose them either.