Why blur face if its right there in 2nd to last picture...
Why blur face if its right there in 2nd to last picture...
looks fine for RWD
Cause they staged it...
Mitsubishi has a fanbase? in 2019?
Can’t wait until hackers send my autonomous car driving into a lake thinking its merging onto a highway in another country or something. Wonder what if anything will come out of this stunt. Interesting nonetheless.
This website is really weird cause we all love cars but then there are articles like ‘ban cars’ and ‘ban driving’ and ‘there are too many cars’ and its kinda bizarre like no give me more cars and more choices and more freedom to drive them all over the place. idk lets celebrate all the different cars we have now not…
SUVpocalypse was just the natural outcome of people with insecurities (and bad knees, hips, etc) needing to feel like they can see over everyone else, thus they get a taller vehicle, then the person next to them feels even smaller by comparison so that person gets a taller vehicle and so on into infinite sadness and…
They can make standard whatever they want as long as I can turn it off once and permanently, not every time I start the car. As a young (early 20s) person I don’t understand my generation’s preference to have computers do everything for them all the time. so lazy
Can they make another Unsafe at Any Speed with a model 3? that would piss off some people.
I wonder how many self driving cars would actually sell. Does the market want this on a mass scale? To me it seems self driving cars work best when surrounded by other self driving cars (for the sake of predictability) but I don’t see how that will happen even remotely quickly.
You do realize this “study” and “range loss criticism” is directed at an i3 right? Did you read this article or were you already mad after the headline?
Here comes an electric driverless car that will be known as the ‘Lancer’ for the way that it storms the autonomous vehicle market. It will be a crossover obviously.