
We still have a chance to make it productive. Follow me for a moment and please try not to take offense as it is not my intention to offend you. We’re all sharing opinions here. The difference is your opinion in particular reflects the exact thought process used to abuse Black people and justify our abuse. Your

Am I that guy? I’m a woman but I hope I can still shut shit down for the culture;)

Way to miss my point, but sure, I do believe in equal rights for all! I hope dearly Nazis say something that can be used to charge them with threatening language. Please encourage your friends to keep talking, that way we can hear which ones are in the greatest need of a good old fashioned face punch. Surely you

Modern American policing is a progression from organized slave catching and militias formed to commit crimes against Native Americans. Please read about fugitive slave laws. Then remember the property laws you speak of were made in consideration of Black people *being* property. It might make people feel good to track

We have already established that is not Starbucks’ policy. My point is a person who ‘needs to know a policy’ before accepting what has been demonstrated by several witnesses as an incident of discrimination is clearly more interested preserving the imaginary reputation of a company than dealing with the reality of the

Are you a Starbucks stockholder? If not, what is your motivation to be fair to a corporate entity when the facts show the company’s employees were treating potential customers unfairly? This is not a normal, empathetic reaction. Anytime you can think the thought, “the staffer should not have discriminated against the

Free smoke! Jump in here with a match!

Because they shouldn’t have had to since no one else was asked to. How is this hard? I believed a witness originally stated they weren’t approached by staff. If I got that wrong, my fault. Still does not explain or excuse why you want to defend this corporation’s obviously discriminatory behavior.

If you are truly a supporter of equal rights for all people, that would include ALL people, right? Even those who use definitions you disagree with, right? That’s the part that is the biggest lie: you’re our ally with the exception of us participating in ANY detail you dislike. And then not only does that void your

No, it wouldn’t make a difference if your goal is to make the victims of this incident complicit in their own victimization. Read the article and the witness’s account. Believe the correct consensus of this board. Starbucks is a business which promotes its lobby as a ‘hang out’ space and it rarely (if ever) expels

Y’all don’t have Black Catholic churches in Philly? The Knights of Peter Claver and its ladies auxiliary fry fish every Friday during lent and plenty other times.

Family, dont skip over a big part of his comment: ‘niggas.’ He wasn’t just loud and wrong coming for Joy Ann Reid, he was talking about US. He didn’t say, ‘this nigga,’ he went plural noun, as if niggas in general are hypocritical in the way he was wrongly attributing to Joy Ann. As a nigga, I’m okay with being

I am Black, I live in Houston, and I don’t know how you got the idea participating in the cultures of the area is appropriation. It seems almost like you’re changing the well- known definition just to be offended. You should feel bad if you ‘Columbus’ a cultural aspect. Appropriation is when someone from the

Not sure if you’re being cheeky . . . white folks are welcome to rap along with whatever.

Why not just be silent during that fraction of a second?

Third try: A Black man holding anything gives them permission to shoot and simply *say* they thought it was a gun. Do we really believe in 2018 when we know nearly every adolescent and adult is holding a phone cops really think everything in hand is a gun? They are flat out lying to avoid being charged. They take

I’m in NW Houston.

My church has two overflow spaces. The true sanctuary is indeed enormous and there are two meeting halls outfitted for overflow (tabernacle, chalices and the whole shebang) on I-Guess-I’ll-Go-To-Mass-With-My-Mama days. At my church they have helpers in the parking lot judging what they think the crowd will be, they

Hate! Out loud and and with the stank face. Especially on the day Jesus C-walked out the cave. We’re Catholic and what you don’t want to do is be casket sharp, with have your knees on the bare floor, incense swirling, holy water splashed upside your head and your only ‘recovery’ area is a folding chair. That cushioned

I’m still not prepared to process the masks- I’m stuck on the poem itself. What a peculiar choice. Dunbar is fantastic and kids need to know things, but there are way more appropriate texts for 2nd grade recitation. What value did this exercise hold for the kids? I seriously doubt any of these kids understand the poem