Sad. Next question.
Sad. Next question.
Yep, we always have to be noble. I thought the film handled the black radicalism quite well, actually. It presented Killmonger as someone capable of doing exactly what he felt needed to be done for his people. He trained, he plotted, he executed. And when it came time to live his truth, he didn’t change his ideology…
Nobody said anything about wanting your mother dead- but you. Take your whoa is me biraciality to a conversation where it might make sense.
“His liberation motivations for me were overshadowed by his thirst for power. Yes, he wanted to square the world’s wrongs...with himself as emperor. That’s not justice, that’s supremacy”.
This is the worst take. I had to read it again to make sure I wasn’t missing that it’s satire. Even in the imaginary realm, your arguments are defeatist and you’re clearly okay with remaining a permanent underclass. I feel sorry for you; you strapped yourself into the sunken place to the degree you can’t even…
I selected out one line from the OP, “He’s a clown who has big ideas but neither the funds, mental acumen or just plain ol’ common sense to make anything work”. My goal was to show that some the stuff he’s pulled has indeed worked, and ask if the reason this Black man raising his kids is a broke, dimwitted clown…
Anytime anyone begins a sentence with, “race has nothing to do with . . .” I’m pretty sure an angel dies. Race is part of us like having legs or being able to talk. It’s a thing. The concept of marketing vs. braggadocio is skewed toward a racially coded perspective.
I agree, you do fail to see. 63 million people voted to install a bigoted racist to the presidency with the full knowledge his existence in that office would imperil people in desperate need of health insurance, women, LBGTQI people, Muslims and PoC. You can call them hot pockets or economic anxieters, yellow jackets…
Oh wow, we finally made it to economic anxiety!
THIS IS THE MOST ACCURATE TAKE. You have said it very well.
I hear you, I promise. I don’t even necessarily disagree. His league might not ever happen, but he did get Lonzo to the team he wanted- and in an era when getting drafted at all requires a series of astute negotiations. This is the problematic part for me: “He’s using his sons as a lever to prop up his mediocrity.…
I don’t even think they’re dumb, just entitled. Imagine truly believing that what makes something a fact is just you wanting it to be. They have seen their ancestors simply roll up on a slab of dirt and declare it theirs. You believe you should have it first *and then* you create some paperwork or rule that makes it…
“He’s a clown who has big ideas but neither the funds, mental acumen or just plain ol’ common sense to make anything work”.
Liberal extremists? Like the ones who bomb churches, shoot church members, believe they should control women’s bodies? Or, you mean those liberal extremists who march with tiki torches spouting anti-Semitic chants, take over government posts to have shoot outs with police, and vote for pedophiles so long as they’re…
And nary a lie was told. He spoke the truth. American policing has always been an instrument of white supremacy. They were slavecatchers. Black and brown folks shouldn’t want to wear that uniform.
Agreed. And I hope we all understand this phenomenon is perhaps article 1A of the White Supremacy handbook: The definition of reality itself. They draw borders, force people into ‘treaties’ to litigate land they have no claim to, they treat the objective as subjective. In essence, they and they alone define what truth…
You’re really trying to ‘both sides’ this?
AT LEAST! I doubt a man of his resources suddenly started hoing at middle age. I would not be surprised if we find out he has a baby mama per decade stashed and paid to hush .
That might be *your* issue, but it’s not the one I responded to. The OP didn’t make the caveat that the media need be done respectfully. Read it again: the crux was not to use violence against/ murder of real people as entertainment, period. And that’s cute you cherry picked one of thousands of possible examples to…