
"Yes, planes were certainly more roomy back in the 1950s and 60s. But they were also incredibly expensive, painfully slow, and often discriminatory. Even the promo photos above showed only white people. Legendary black singer Ella Fitzgerald famously filed suit against Pan Am in 1954 after getting bumped from a flight

First of all, this has to be fixed. We have to stop suggesting that portrait video is acceptable.

The limit is size 10-D.

The EPA has shown that Fluoride is a TOXIC substance. It serves to calcify our brain matter when consumed above MCL. It can also causes fluorosis of the teeth and harm children's brain development under 5 yrs of age. Even baby formula vendors recommend you use bottled, un-fluoridated water with their product. We have

The thing is, flouride works topically (i.e. brushing your teeth), so there is no need to consume it in our drinking water. If you feel the need to put flouride on your teeth (for many good reasons), buy flouridated toothpaste (most are). If we flouridate the water, it is much more difficult for people to make their