The Institute, please. Don’t mistake me for one of these surface barbarian commoners.
The Institute, please. Don’t mistake me for one of these surface barbarian commoners.
He’s a synth, not human. He ain’t even a person. Rule doesn’t apply.
Sure, because when I’m playing on my computer, with my headphones on my head, I totally notice what’s going on around me. Even more when I’m in the shower, or when I sleep.
I miss Tokyo...
Never played any witcher games. Hell, didn’t even know those were RPGs before people started comparing Witcher 3 to Fallout 4.
Hey ! Pearl Harbor ! (the movie)
Hero : only does noble stuff, for noble reasons.
There some nicely unnatural stuff in the far north-east excavation / quarry. Just have to go deep enough :-)
Well, thing with stealth is that it’s always been relative, and very costly. It often involves much more than the mere shape of the plane, or it’s exhausts, like radar absorbing coating that must be reapplied very often.
I find it crazy that the US can allow itself to prosecute a foreign company’s local subsidiary for having one of the other foreign subsidiaries do abroad something considered illegal in the US.
Fun fact : the Rafale program started after a joint program between the French and the Brits (amongst others) failed to reach an agreement regarding it’s purpose (think it was the EuroFighter).
Never did any porting.
Oh ! Well, I apologize then. Felt like you were making a general comparison between mods and DLCs.
I’ll reduce the action points consumption ASAP. Just can’t wait to fly all the way up to the top of these towers.
Already done. You should checkout Nexus. They didn’t even wait for GECK. Or FO4Edit as a matter of fact.
Swords and shields are the exact reason I stick to Fallout and stay away from Skyrim. So I can’t really say I share your enthusiasm.
Well, thanks to not having this “radiant quests” system, Fallout 3 & NV felt less “randomized” and “repetitive” somehow...
What about all those people who don’t work on development but on story, art design and what nots ? They don’t have much to do during the “disc games” development (didn’t say nothing).
Well, can you always divine beforehand what... you know, you’re gonna say ? (I do not mean the general idea, but the exact words).