
I was born in Africa and into a culture rife with colourism, xenophobia and religious intolerance. If you guessed Somalia, you win. However, in being an African, I wasn’t conscious of my “blackness” until I was around Dutch people (my family fled there when I was 5). I didn’t become “black” until white people labelled

According to the NYPD Patrol Guide, racist and offensive words are considered “prohibited conduct,” which applies to both on-duty and off duty cops.

I just saw her on a Botched marathon like three days ago! What made me extra sad for her was that she’s had the same boyfriend since high school, and he definitely seems to be enabling her dysfunction. Like, if you want to play God, dude, why not put your own pasty body under the knife instead of hers?

Others have broken it down better than I could, but I just want to add (by way of Ijeoma Oluo) that one distinction between the two is that transgender is a two-way street while transrace is not. Meaning, a man can just about as easily become a woman and pass as a woman, as a woman can become a man and pass as a man.

The review that says “after the initial nausea, headaches, and flushes”...

Injectible? Holy shit does that sound like a bad idea. But then again, the enormous tissue expanders in her breasts and the desire to have the same thing put into her butt so that she can expand that too would indicate that this particular woman has never met a bad idea that she didn’t like.

She used some kind of injectable chemical tanner. I remember watching a video about her before she went “full black” (no words) where she and her messed up boyfriend talked about it.

First, explain how race and gender are similar enough to make this correlation. Make sure you exclude the definitions of both.

Honest question here, and truly id appreciate a genuine, educated, and non inflammatory response:

The bitch done lost it. Lawdamercy, I’ve seen everything, now.

First comment is a subtle bald slam. I like it.

“Haaa Funny guy!”

“Off with his head!”

Or get up really early and be that bitch that used all the hot water (before taking a nap until time to go.)

I’ve never used red dye when making mine, so they’re not the bright red you get from the store. But I also use a mix of bourbon and either cherry or blackberry brandy. Why not make the garnish/ingredient for your alcoholic cocktail full of alcohol too?

I only sleep with socks if I have a brutal cold and am trying to sweat it out. I feel like that’s acceptable.

It’s honestly a miracle women touch us at all.

The Machiavellian motherfucker who invented this Mystery Toy scheme basically found a socially acceptable way to get kids addicted to gambling using their parents’ money. My 4 year old goes nuts for this shit now.

“Dad I need one of these!”
“Don’t you already have a bunch?”
“Yeah but I need Chase and haven’t gotten him

-I wear socks to sleep (my feet get cold, fuck you), but not the ones I’m going to wear to work. Do you really need to save nine seconds putting socks on? Doubtful.

Sleeping with socks on is barbaric. Getting in bed with them on and then slipping them off after 10 minutes is probably on par with flipping the pillow over to the cold side.

I work for a company that manufactures salsa. We very purposefully use a jar that is too small at the opening to fit a chip in so that you are forced to pour the jar out into a bowl thereby using more salsa and causing you to gorge yourself where you otherwise might have stopped. America!