
I disagree. Sure, both made original claims that were a bit much, but that’s where the similarities end.

Honestly, Peter Molyneux’s shtick is so much more cynical. He knows he’s lying, and he continue to peddle it.

Sean seems to understand how his previous marketing stance was flawed but also tends to get really excited about cool projects.

Are you serious? Please tell me how Ukraine wants this invasion of their homeland... I’ll wait.

Too blatant. You have to be way more subtle to troll on this issue since Ukraine is a victim of imperial aggression and has the deserved goodwill of every person who isn’t an empty shell.

Fuck you. Get fucked. Fuck yourself. Fuck you.

almost as if context matters, wiiiiild

That’s how a highly scripted movie or television show works. Not an off the cuff piece of improvised roleplay.

The two are extremely different beasts.

Sorry, but I don’t find your arguments remotely convincing.

Diversify the cast. Why should people of color be only guest players or consultants?

Was Aabria just a ‘guest’ when she DM’ed the entire Exandria Unlimited mini-campaign? Is Robbie not *non-white enough* to count, despite being a new permanent cast member? How many of the main cast need to change, exactly?

“Even though they hired consultants to help build the world of Marquet, the consultants aren’t the people through whose eyes we’re seeing that world.”

So the only way that the show can be truly inclusive is by replacing Matt and/or other cast members with POC? Because that’s what’s being heavily implied. Is there a way

“You can just, you know... Expand your cast? Bring in multiple guests who exist within these worlds and you make sure the story telling centers them as autonomous entities at least most of the time.”

They’ve literally being doing this since season one. The precursor to the current campaign was run by Aabria Iyengar,

Should a campaign predominantly made up of white cast members only focus on “white” settings then? That seems like white-washing of a different, more exclusionary, and problematic kind.

I actually try to have difficult conversations regarding race and appropriation with anyone I can (I’m a white DM who wanted to run a

I’m a little confused as to the conclusion here. If they had dressed/acted in way that would make you think “they were connected to this world,” that would have of course been castigated for appropriation. To treat it more or less like any other fantasy setting, they “they fail to present us with anything of

Ah yes, the semi-annual hyperventilating article about how a group of real-life friends who started streaming their hobby should replace half of their friend group with random people to meet a diversity quota, and how white people are forbidden from exploring anything except “Generic European” cultures even when they

“This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

I’m Mesoamerican and I’ve never once been bothered by the ‘lack of representation’ in the show. I’ve never even thought about it until this article. If the content is good, it’s good. Why are we trying to find problems where their aren’t any. Would people write articles about CoCo or the new movie Enchanted and how

You really need to take a look at yourself and find out what is wrong if this is the take you get. The exact same thing could be said for the cultural inspirations used in the locations for the first and second campaign. You are literally just virtue signaling in hopes of getting some clicks from something popular. I

Wow you sound like the fun police. Crap article 

It’s Dungeons and Dragons.