
Man, fuck what is happening to all the talent.

I admire your commitment to reminding us about your 850, even when it has almost no relevance to the article at hand.

I did not forget about it.

As I told Mike on Twitter, the article absolutely does not omit the Escape Hybrid. It’s also not my job to advertise for Ford. If someone is shopping for a mid-sized sedan, why should they be forced into a CUV? Ford is trying to make customers fit its cars, rather than make cars fit its customers.

Ford sold 3.2

Everything has gone down a size or two for me after lockdown and WFH. My loose fit jeans are now Garth Brooks level, my mid-sized car feels like a Smart Car that’s been on a diet, my office chair has gotten narrower.

Except this seems ambivalent, not rooting for it.  It’s not like people are cheering “Yay, physical media is dying!”  It’s more “Physical media doesn’t seem any more advantageous than downloaded media.”

My Steam account is coming up to 17 years old next month, and my collection there is just under 1000 games. I’m certain I’d have lost 75% of that at some point through half a dozen apartment moves and a brief period of homelessness.

The Prius has been out for 20 years and there are still questions regarding “engineering” and “longevity”, apparently. 

They’re projected as the sixth most valuable team in the majors, so someone is watching them. It helps when they’re playing the Red Sox and they have a consecutive Cy Young winner on the mound.

If a 99 Honda can take a few curb hits over 10 years and not crumple into scrap, what the fuck is a Tesla’s excuse?

If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.

Holy sweet cannoli, some of these people defending Musk.

Chris Roberts leads development on a space sim that promises to be everything you’ve ever wanted, then goes way over-budget, gets delayed year after year, and in the meantime, they put out a dogfighting component to allay the anxiety of fans.

And perfectly tone deaf given her relationship with police.

“Of all the things I didn’t have go wrong on the car, the Optispark only died once in 11 years of driving. Engine rebuilt once, engine replaced once, transmission replaced once, transmission rebuilt once. Rear diff replaced once, transmission mounts replaced once, think I did the engine mounts too. Intake gasket at

The only vehicle in this whole list that’s actually interesting is the Crossfire, because it’s a weird vehicle that’s not totally ugly, totally awful or totally busted.

To me every single one of those is worthless. Why collect garbage?

As a reminder, besides his sexual misconduct, Hascoët was also the shitheel who thought an AC: Odyssey with just Kassandra would be a failure (so they shoe-horned in the much more boring beefcake brother) and kept us from playing Aya for much of AC: Origins. Because again, feh, women, what are they good for? Le

She believes the store is large enough—16,000 square feet—to allow for a few exceptions, like customers who claim they’re physically unable to tolerate a mask or workers who need a small break during or six- or eight-hour shifts as long as they keep their distance from other people.