
I think I'm the only one who is genuinely enjoying Vince Vaughn's acting in this. I'd say he sold being pretty intimidating even before he ripped that dudes teeth out. Best part was when he grabbed the dudes lip and then gave him a light slap afterwards. That was as emasculating as the beat down, but probably a bit

I will say its unfortunate that Tosh.O is pretty annoying now, because I just saw Tosh live and his standup is still pretty great - even if his standup specials don't quite always hit the mark.

I always thought they were out to steal our kids and poison our guns.

He is Canadian. The fabled lands are very different.

I never got the vibe that Geralt is dumb, but thats just me. The biggest vibe I get is that Geralt is basically Brock Sampson, exceptionally capable at everything but is always forced to do a bunch of shit he doesn't want to/that gets old. Pretty much every time Geralt sighs (which is all the time) I equate it to

If i recall something from New Vegas correctly, nuka-cola (and sunset sarsaparilla) machines just keep making full bottles of it (and thus caps) and nobody knows why or how, but its basically not going to run out so it makes for a stable currency. Unless that's my misunderstanding, in which case I don't care since its

Me and some buddies busted out the N64 version like two weeks ago…its about as stellar as I remember it.

You have to be logged into a Microsoft account for it to track, if you use Xbox and have a gamertag you already have one. I use it on my phone and work computer and every search gives you 1 point towards the like 400 something you need to get the $5 gift card.

I just saw the gameplay demo this morning, I remember seeing the game at E3 either last year or the year before and am re-excited for it to come out. They said either late this year or early next year so its looking good.

Something something foiled by poutine again

edit, nevermind

Let me do give it to you, since I get rewards for doing so:

100%. Its too bad they can't market it as such, but its blows the competition…away.

Dishonored 2 is such a tease for me to have to wait basically a whole year for it. I've been playing through the first one for like the 8th time these past weeks and to see the next one announced is just too good.

I kinda figured this wouldn't get a decent grade regardless of its quality due to the internet backlash at the end of the last season. Not saying this season is quality or not, just that it wouldn't matter.

That's one way of playing stealth in it, sure. But its very possible to play an "active" stealth game and move swiftly through the levels instead of playing the waiting game. If anything, the game encourages you to find unique solutions to getting around the game in a stealthy manner - such as freezing time to just

So…Fallout 4 looks incredible. And so does Dishonored 2. Its looking like the high chaos ending will be cannon for Dishonored, because obviously the real Corvo wouldn't let any of those fucks live. I just hope that the non-lethal ways to get rid of a target don't seem like the meaner alternative to just murdering them.

It was a hell of a match. Good job to Wawrinka, even though it looks like he shopped at Zumiez right before he played.

Watched Moon last night, definitely enjoyed it but everytime Sam Rockwell went out on the Moon all I could think was him saying "is there even air?! You don't know man!".

Yeah it seems short at first, but all the variations in ways to go and styles of play more than make up for it. Every time I've gone through it so far I have found a different pathway or different audiologs etc that I didn't know about the first time. Its really easy to blink your way through a level and get to the