
Millions of people still play Pokemon Go tho!

Double the beep boop!

Double the beep boop!

I only bought one because my old TV died. 4K netflix is nice, I guess.

I could totally picture them as members of Alpha Flight.

Actually the babies are under the screen of his smartphone. Once they hatch - well, the next nightmare begins.

Fleury White and Stargoon are the comic book superheroes that I’ve been missing all my life.

Now playing

Considering this is Kotaku... I think the bug was actually an Eternal Darkness insanity effect.

And here’s “Before Pie.”

This whole thing is going to turn into the cockroach segment of Creepshow isn’t it?

If, when following these instructions, I find myself inhabiting the body of th ebug, is there any danger that I may have been pushed back in time and find myself then trapped in my monitor, ready to be crushed by myself?

I know Kirk isn’t even considering it’s family. A large nest of innocent babies it left in the monitor, growing and ready to hatch. Lol Kirk should just burn the monitor just to make sure.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Hey, at least they had FEMA tents at FF!

Where does a mansplainer get his water?

But... but... why would an unknown stranger phone you? oO

What mess have you gotten yourselves now, colonists?

Girl sounds like she’s a few tables and fish dinners short of a wedding reception if you ask me.

This shows that America is still the land of opportunity. So inspiring, in fact, that I’m going to update my resume:

Plus she’s black, just like Ben Carson. The blacks know the urbans.

“How many people named John do you know? Yeah well, Lylla is a common name in a certain part of the Galaxy.”

Boom, problem solved.

I mean, how many guys named Chris star in these movies after all?

Just ignore that detail, or include more than one character with that name in the background, and if it gets a bunch of