
Is this REALLY what you wanted?

What if you pronounce it like, “lovaah”?

So evolution causes pedophilia?

It appears as though Brad Pitt has entered the period in his life where his face is going to rapidly begin to show his proper age. Also, I’m sorry Robert Zemekis, but I don’t care that this is a “serious” movie, but if somebody tells me this is directed by the same guy who did Cast Away and Flight, I’m less likely to

They usually last a pretty long time, too. My friend’s iPhone 3G literally just died (battery no longer charges). It was handed down through about 8 family members.

The phone is 5 years and 5 hardware revisions old as this point. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

My god, I would have loved it if the synopsis for that last episode had simply and elegantly been: “man sticks finger up butt of another man”.

Reminds me of a short story I read where alternate universes have been confirmed and there's a rash of suicides since people figure it doesn't matter what happens to them in this one.

They’re bringing back Skyrim, but the bad news is that they’re bringing it back as a team-based shooter with microtransactions that requires an internet connection to play.

Am I the only person who actually liked ME3? And I..cried at the ending..Had flashbacks of all the moments and characters that led me to that decision. Look, I get the hatred and all but it was very personal to me, I replayed the previosu 2 games in close proximity so it was all fresh to me, so I really felt it when

Technically, Episode 9 could be a night out in Glasgow.

That’s The Division’s problem right now. Not a chance in hell I’d play it or go into the Dark Zone after all the stories I’ve heard.


I had no choice, the guy called me a “f*cking retahd” to my face 2 seconds after buying the card from him lol. This is the wasteland son!

She wants to poop back and forth forever

Somehow with the X-Files reboot, they managed to remove *any* *trace* of the original magic? Like, they took all the lightning out of the bottle, and then ran it through the dishwasher a couple of times to make sure it was entirely lightning-free.

this post is internet comments sections perfected, i don’t think there could be a more internet opinion than this. a goat or something...on a device that literally can tell you exactly what the actual answer is in seconds...i am astound.

important investigative questions that only kotaku.com will bring

You have to take this dangerous gif down... Bamboozled by the rapid snake like movements I have fallen off my chair, broken both legs and I am choking to death on my headphone cord.

Fuck that, I wish you could talk to the alien and recruit them for your settlement!!