
The reason it’s not on the list is purely personal. For some reason the stories read aloud do not work for me at all. I don’t know why but reading it is great but I can’t sit through listening to it.

Now we know why the Waynes left the theater early in the first place.

Someone watched Prince of Darkness as a child and didn’t realize it.

Well, the webcomic has been running from 2010. It took a year of working on the PDFs, adding extras, setting up a corporation, etc — in addition to keeping the webcomic running — to get it on Comixology.

All right. My comic is Genocide Man. Only a few chapters are up right now; Comixology likes to space them apart over months (and I need to submit more).

After over a year of hard work, my comic books are now available on Comixology! I’m on the same shelf as the big boys, DC and Marvel!

(I’m sorry. I saw a really amazing, very surreal short that had no real story to speak of, but was still worth watching - then I thought about what happened to another such short, which shall remain nameless out of deference to its creator.)

It isn’t reporting back to the “mothership” (lol) with the data it finds. All the processing is done locally, so it’s not really comparable to Google. Or an issue as such.

OK, it’s pretty hilarious that you think someone would call for the dissolution of the federal government out of an urge to appear more authoritarian than others. +1

I don’t think you know what communism or socialism actually mean. Sanders is, truly, party to neither of those ideas in full. Further, what does the qualifier “boring” have to do with the noun “liar?” Would you rather an exciting or entertaining liar who wages a global war and robs its constituency blind?

Thanks! I will have to look into this.

And two, Apple isn’t sending this anywhere are they? It is a simple database search on your own device showing other matches. I don’t see any security issue at all on this - unless they are storing it there to do the indexing....

~tweets from the future~

“Person of Interest. Why aren’t they under a dome? That would really make this Machine interesting, if they were all under domes. Sleepy Hollow? Put ‘em under a dome. Keep that apocalypse contained. Walking Dead? Walking Dome.”

I enjoyed that, particularly from an aesthetic point of view. It’s just absolutely gorgeous. And I love the creatures.

The build up was good.

Worthy of note is that Kirby's Sandman was a pretty important character in Neil Gaiman's Sandman series. A lot of people somehow miss the fact that it took place in DC's mainstream universe.

I don't know how, since the book clearly has a speaking-role cameo by the Martian Manhunter in the first few issues (he sees

Oh, god. I'm lightheaded...I can't breathe after reading that map. I thought 'Kangarat Murder Society' would do me in, then I lost it with 'OCEAN of giant WATERSPOUTS'.