So a dozen examples of varying quality, but how about the hundred counter examples? Looking forward to hearing about the time Shireen Baratheon burned someone at the stake.
So a dozen examples of varying quality, but how about the hundred counter examples? Looking forward to hearing about the time Shireen Baratheon burned someone at the stake.
Idiocy, thy name is fan theory. I’m surprised none of these theories include the perennially favorite Fight Club twist, which people keep trying to foist onto Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
She does in the book.
I suspect that within 24 hours I’ll be reading a post somewhere revealing that the poop window GoFundMe is a hoax.
Floating rafts of fire ants. And I don’t mean in the game, I mean sent directly to the idling players.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed that movie.
So, could two BB droids swap heads and continue to function with each other’s bodies? Or is each head paired to its body like a pair of Bluetooth headphones paired to a phone? I MUST KNOW.
Thanks! I was curious but couldn’t find a credit anywhere.
“You look different!”
Yep—A subset of the alt-right/Trump supporters call themselves centipedes, and one of their online homes was called Centipede Central.
I have forwarded your reply to Chris Hansen. Would you like to have some seeet tea while we wait?
Point of order: Ryuk doesn’t write any names in the book. Light thinks he does, but he’s mistaken.
I hear about these Mercy players who hide until they can revive the whole team, and it’s the exact opposite of how I play. When you’re in the thick of things, healing your teammates and getting assists with your damage boost, your ult charges fast. I almost always use it to revive one or two people—if three or more…
It would be amazing if Ryuk became a supporting character on American Gods. And I don’t mean just any Shinigami, I want more Ryuk specifically!
Oh man, I saw Parasite as a child and had trouble sleeping for a year! That scene you mentioned freaked me out so badly, as did the scene directly before when she looks up, sees the parasite on the ceiling, and it falls directly at you.
Funnily enough, this review actually inspired me to watch the movie. The fact that it’s too much stuff going by briskly in the space of 100 minutes rather than ten hour-long episodes sounded pretty good to me! And I did enjoy how fast it moved, requiring you to think fast while watching it.
What? This flashlight also has batteries which can die. Plus to use it you have to roll it up, which is harder to do in the dark than just press a button. This is cool, but there are literally zero ways that it’s better than a regular flashlight.
Well, we know that Facebook uses an algorithm to suggest PYMK, they don’t suggest random people. Therefore this was not a random suggestion.
I know this article is not meant to be an exhaustive chronicle of Shyamalan’s rise, fall, and rise, but it’s worth mentioning that people started getting excited about him again in 2015 with The Visit. Shockingly, the way to get audiences to like your movies is to make enjoyable movies! Here’s hoping Glass is another…