There’s a depressing statement on how little concrete value people place on games ANY CREATIVE WORK in there somewhere
There’s a depressing statement on how little concrete value people place on games ANY CREATIVE WORK in there somewhere
Oh the irony that proper etiquette means we will never know. We’re going to have to get the dirt from your less-polite co-workers!
I hope after the doll was rescued it was given to Caity Weaver and Rich Juzwiak so they could bring it to one of the Best Restaurants in New York.
Oh you’re a BENGHAZI truther. Sorry, none of the thirty Republican investigations into the Benghazi attack revealed any malfeasance on State’s part in that incident. There’s not gonna be a phantom email that cracks the case wide open, either.
Who are the dead pedestrians in this situation?
I’ll keep my hopes up for a vehicle combat mod in Fallout 4. Thunderpoon sounds great, but I’d rather have a roof-mounted Fat Boy!
Ha, you must have been really shocked the first time you saw a full-sized one.
He’s a tiny Deathclaw in a dog house that shows up in Old World Blues, but only if you have the Wild Wasteland trait. And he is just as deadly as a full-size Deathclaw! Worse, because he’s harder to hit! But he’s easy to outrun because of his TINY LITTLE LEGS.
So was I not supposed to masturbate to that?
Exactly. I used to brush my teeth with a lot of elbow grease, which resulted in gum damage, which resulted in a gum transplant using flesh from the roof of my mouth. My dentist recommended an electric toothbrush to prevent me from scrubbing my gums away, and it has worked—No gum issues in the last ten years.
Exactly. I used to brush my teeth with a lot of elbow grease, which resulted in gum damage, which resulted in a gum…
As someone who played the first Gears of War but no later ones, and had to google Digger, I now desperately need to play a game where I fire a Digger directly into someone’s chest.
I have not watched his videos, but I can’t imagine Fallout 3 being harder than Dead Money! Unless he’s considering Point Lookout, where cultists and mutated rednecks get armor-skipping damage bonuses.
Not to mention that with 80 Melee and Sneak, you can get the Ninja perk, which increases your Melee sneak attack damage by 25%.
I had no idea Stealth Boys were affected by perks like a Chem! Good to know!
Yeah, I was kind of surprised that his Melee was still just 13, considering you can do stealthy kills very easily with Melee.
What’s that from? My google fu is not working, and it’s an intriguing line...
The World Map being a table you visit to plan your continent-spanning Inquisition activities was cool, except for one thing: It took so long to get there! You fast travel to Skyhold, run up a staircase, run down the throne room, take a left through a door, run through a hallway past Josephine, reach another door, sit…